Historical Event
January 1, 1962
Short Description:


Dr Donaldson describes his use of meat diet in curing diseases in New York City.
Strong Medicine
Blake F. Donaldson
Important Text:
Dr. Donaldson in STRONG MEDICINE expresses his personal concept of treatment for six highly important and frequently deadly diseases--arteriosclerosis, osteoarthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and gall bladder disease. His book is interesting, informative, humorous, and highly controversial.
"From what I have observed, a half pound of meat per meal is the minimum quantity needed to maintain the work of repair of body cells."
"Oh, there were dozens of questions I wanted to discuss with Stefannsson, so Fred Taylor brought him out to my home on Long Island. Some steamed clams and a good steak loosened him up, and we sat around a beach fire and talked for hours. He proved to be a mine of information. As I remember his conversation, it went something like this..."