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January 1, 1868

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"They had been subsisting for about two months on an exclusive diet of salmon, which fish is abundant in the river."





Travel And Adventure In The Territory Of Alaska by Frederick Whymper


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Page 159 of 418 / 119 in text

The journey had been undertaken in order to leave a notice for the explorers there, but we did not expect to meet any of them, so that on entering their log house we were much surprised to find four of our old friends. They had been subsisting for about two months on an exclusive diet of salmon, which fish is abundant in the river. They had almost given up expecting to see any of the expedition ; we, on the other hand, believed them to be at the Ochotsk Sea. Three of these gentlemen, MacCrea, Harder, and Smith, belonged to this section, but my astonishment was great to find with them Mr. Bush, who had made the entire journey from the Amoor Eiver to the mouth of the Anadyr the preceding winter. His trip of at least 2500 miles, deserves to rank as the most remarkable of the many undertaken by members of our expedition. Nearly the first thing our friends asked was, "Have you brought any grub?” and we soon satisfied them on the point by fetching up a supply of bread, tea, and sait meat from the boat, and spreading an extempore lunch. They had got heartily sick of ‘‘ toujours ” salmon, and in- finitely preferred salt pork !

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