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Historical Event
January 1, 1906
Short Description:


Eskimo infants are breastfed for 3-6 years and get masticated food directly from mouth to mouth, usually the fat and lean meats.

Important Text:
Infant nutrition, Dr. Marsh argued, could perhaps show its effects well into adult life. A child was usually at the breast for as long as three years. Marsh had seen cases of more than six years — so had Leavitt; and so have I, since. At the age of a few days Eskimo babies started receiving, along with their mothers' milk, food masticated by the parent and passed directly from mouth to mouth. Thus she fed the child on what she herself liked best — always, of course, lean and fat meats, except in case of famine, when vegetables might be included and when the child and mother fared alike — neither of them well but the child a little better than the parents.
Chapter 12 contains a great deal of information about Eskimo's Way of Life.
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