Historical Event
January 1, 1898
Short Description:


Stuart describes the beef and water treatment plan of the Salisbury System

What Must I Do to Get Well? And How Can I Keep So?
Elma Stuart
Important Text:
1898. Excerpt: ... GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. 'He who gains a new idea, or has a fresh insight into an old one, is thereby invested with a new responsibility. He has no right to live exactly as he did before. A duty is laid upon him to bring it into practical operation for his own guidance, and, as far as possible, for the general welfare.'
ANY persons seem to imagine that when they have said 'mince and hot water' they have polished off in a word the whole Salisbury treatment. They were never more at sea in all their lives. The Salisbury System is not one--but many-sided. Beef and hot water form a part and an all-important part; but here besides is a wide-embracing plan that minutely takes into account everything that concerns the patient, and provides for every day's contingencies. All doings, takings, quantities, etc. are considered and regulated so that every condition may be made and kept advantageous for the furthering of Nature's processes, and that the patient and his family may be continually aiding and fostering these as far as possible. The Salisbury treatment looks narrowly to the patient's eating, drinking, to the when, what, how, and how much he eats, to the cooking of his food, to the digesting of his food (for sensible people, like you and me, Reader, know that the proof of the pudding is--not the eating,--alas, no! it is the digesting!), to the internal cleansings, the thorough tranquil restings; the encouragement of a brave, placid frame of mind, a cheerful, hopeful spirit, with special avoidance of fatigue, friction, and worry; and it seeks besides to judiciously accommodate to its wise requirements every hour of the patient's day and every one of his doings.