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Antinutrients: Lectins, goitrogens, phytates and oxalates, friends or foe?

López-Moreno, M.; Garcés-Rimón, M.; Miguel, M.

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February 1, 2022



The intake of foods derived from plants has been proposed as an useful strategy in the prevention of several chronic diseases. However, plants also possess a group of substances known as antinutrients, which may be responsible for deleterious effects related to the absorption of nutrients and micronutrients, or exert beneficial health effects. This review compiles scientific evidence regarding the physiological impact of some antinutrients (lectins, goitrogens, phytates and oxalates) in the human health, their negative effects and the culinary and industrial procedures to reduce their presence in foods. It can be concluded that, the effects of antinutrients on human health could change when consumed in their natural food matrix, and after processing or culinary treatment. Accordingly, some of these compounds could have beneficial effects in different pathological conditions. Future research is required to understand the therapeutic potential of these compounds in humans.

Automatic Tags

Oxalates; Plant-based diet; Lectins; Antinutrients; Goitrogens; Phytates

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