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Dana Shute


MEATrition author
Link to Carnivore Support:
Image Carnivore Support:
Looking Out of a Skyscaper
Text Notes:

Information, experience and support for a Zero Carb Carnivore Diet from people who have been eating this way for over 10 years.  We only eat from the Animal Kingdom and we are proud carnivores!  Zero carb eating is different from anything you have ever tried before, including paleo, low carb, or keto diets.   We encourage people to try this Zero Carb way of eating for 30 days. That is a reasonable time frame to begin seeing the benefits of this lifestyle.   Trust the process!

53yr old 12+ year Zero Carb Carnivore. Founder of ZeroCarbHealth FB Group and ZeroCarbCarnivore Etsy Store.

History Entries - 10 per page

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