Carnivorous Way of Eating represents the Carnivore Diet, but many of us call it a 'Carnivorous Way of Eating'. 'Way of eating' or WoE is about building a long-term healthy lifestyle that is sustainable, easy, and feels natural. It's important to realize that a way of thinking must first be introduced. You must reflect on your long-term goals and whether health is important to you. Do you want to be there for the people that love and support you? If you're suffering from chronic disease that debilitates you or brings you pain - you need to decide if it's worth it to try a new Way of Eating that has the ability to resolve or mitigate your problems. Once you have clear goals, you can invest time into understanding why it is worth it to try a carnivorous way of eating. You will be able to learn the science and history of eating meat and how it likely helped humans evolve into the beings we are today. Finally, you will be given an opportunity to lift the rose-colored glasses from your eyes to see the nutritional apocalypse that modern life has become, and you can make a well informed choice to attempt a diet that most deem suicide. Your perspective may radically change. Be prepared.
CarniWay will eventually become easy, but in the beginning it can be the hardest and most difficult decision you've ever made. Diets and the way we think about them affect every facet of our life because our bodies react to the information that food gives them. Each meal is not just a boost of protein and fat, it's a data point that your whole body uses to implicity plan your future - and your hormones, gut, and metabolism are all trying to make the correct choice based on the programming of millions of years of evolution and the information contained within your meal.
Food as information is important of course, but maintaining the CarniWay is about understanding how humans have made decisions in the past and why today it is frowned upon to eat red meat. You must understand that there is little consensus in the nutrition science sphere. Food is money and it has led to corruption, false marketing, and made up science. This website is to show you how to think of CarniWay as not so much a leap of faith, but a well thought out planned jump. When you land on the other side with several weeks of CarniWay living in your belt - you will be able to directly compare your experience with the best 'consensus advice' and see if your doubt was misplaced.
How often do people change their minds? Very rarely, and only after a moment where they are faced with a contradiction or a surprise between new information and what they think they know. Usually, the power of confirmation bias or cognitive dissonance serves to prevent one's mind from being changed -- but if their curiousity can be used as a tool to destroy ignorance and they can find virtue in admitting they were wrong, they can at least do the required investigation to change their mind. Information is one way to change a mind, the other is through personal experience. I think that personal experience of a CarniWay for 4-12 weeks can completely change your mind over whether plants are necessary for optimal health.
I want you to know that thousands of people have discovered for themselves whether plants are necessary for optimal health and have adopted one of the various CarniWays as a long term lifestyle, both as a way to feel great every day, AND to prevent chronic diseases of overnutrition, malnutrition, or toxins from plant products.
1. There is no real consensus - it's up to you to do your own research and pick a way of eating - it's best to understand multiple view points and the pros and cons of each. I want to make it clear that no one knows everything.
2. Humans are one species - and species generally have a single diet that gives them optimal health - BUT, the massive changes in lifestyles of humans over the past 10,000 years has made it extremely difficult to figure out what that best diet is.
3. Scientific opinion changes one funeral at a time.
4. Opinions on nutrition are as controversial as politics or religion - hopefully, the results of the CarniWOE make it speak for itself, but until you try it, all you will have is the conflicting opinions of other people.
5. It's important to have community, a CarniWay works best when done with family, with friends, in a group, or by seeking the advice and support of the online world. This website will be a portal to seeking this community and using it for positive personal improvement. I also hope that you become a role model in your own small community and share this knowledge and information. Beating misinformation is hard work!
6. I fully believe that you can benefit from CarniWay, but my job is to convince you that an experiment won't kill you, is worth your time and money, and guide you through understanding your life and how best to apply CarniWay principles.
Eat when you’re hungry.😋
Stop eating once you’re satiated.😌
Keep it super simple.😇
Only eat animal products.🐄🐑🐔🐟🐖
Animal products are meats, dairy, and eggs.🍖🥩🥚🧀
Red meats are preferred over white meats.🥩>🍗
Fatty meats are preferred over lean meats.
Prioritize ruminant meat like beef or lamb. 🐮🐑
Pork, chicken, and fish tend to be less satisfying.🐖🐔🐟
Eat the meat you can afford.🤑🤑🤑
Eat 1 to 3 meals a day - most find 2 meals is best.🍽🍽
Eat seafood and fish if you can afford it.🐟🐙🐠🦞🦀🦪
Cook most of what you eat.🍳🔥
Eat eggs if they agree with you. 🥚🥚🥚
Eat cheese, heavy cream, butter, or ghee if it agrees with you.🧀🧈
Organ meats have lots of nutrients but we don't know if they are necessary.
It’s best to not drink milk because it has a lot of sugar. 🥛=⛔
It’s normal to eat about two pounds of meat a day. ££
There is a range of total meat eaten between 1 and 4 pounds. ££££
Experiment with eating various amounts of fat, more is usually better.
Hormones are complicated, trust the process.
Use as much salt as you like. 🧂🧂🧂🧂
It’s best to limit spices, but some people use a small amount. 🌶🧄
Digestion is better when eating and drinking is separated.
Drink water when thirsty. 🚰
Prioritize low carbohydrate/zero carbohydrate drinks.
If you drink alcohol, stick to liquor, lite beer, or dry wine. 🥃>🍷>🍺
Carbonated or Mineral water is fine.
Drink black coffee or add heavy cream or butter ☕🧈
It’s best to not drink diet soda, but it’s much better than regular soda.

Results of a Poll of 300+ Carnivores
In One Sentence - Describe the CarniWay of Eating
Eating foods only from the animal kingdom
Unprocessed or minimally processed animal foods with whatever seasonings you can tolerate.
All animal products + dairy
animal based food, plants only as spices or medicine
The carnivorous way of eating focuses on the consumption of animal products.
Meat based woe
Any food product from an animal, sans honey.
No plant products.
Healthy and natural.
Meat and water.
You only consume meats and fats from other animals.
Animal based foods. period.
Only low carb animal products, meat, organs, fish, cheese, but no milk or yoghurt.
Awesome, less cooking.
Animal source foods, minimal plant products (eg coffee, spices)
Low carb high fat animal products from nose to tail
Meat, eggs, dairy, salt, water.
All animal products
Eat from the animal kingdom
Animal products, including eggs and dairy
Meat, eggs, dairy
Eating animal meat and animal products
All meats, dairy, and eggs
Animal products only (dairy & eggs ok). Better to stick to red meats.
Meat, salt, water.
Eating meat nose to tail and some dairy & spices.
Vast majority of all calories derived from animal sources
Freeing myself from the clutch of the US government pushing us to processed diets.
Meat only diet
I meat diet that makes you feel light and energetic.
Animal sourced food, minimal dairy, almost no plants
Not eating plants
Very clean and efficient way of getting what the body needs
Easiest way to eat!
Rib eye and butter
No foods from the plant kingdom, with the possible exception of herbs and spices
Eating (nearly) exclusively animal products (coffee/tea and spices optional)
Animal products. Meat from all animals, including insects. Dairy in moderation.
I define CD as exclusively eating animals that eat plants or other animals or the products of said animals like offspring and excreted bodily fluid (i.e. milk); Eating as a predator would instead of as a prey would.
Animal products only.
Beef, eggs, water, heavy cream, coffee
90%+ meat, chicken, fish and eggs. Very minimal plant food- just enough to act as hormesis.
Consuming exclusively animal foods.
food only from animal kingdom, with emphasis on what our ancestors/have been long time we eat
Water meat and salt
Meat, Eggs, Butter, Cheese
Life without plants, relying solely on animals for sustenance.
deriving most of your nutrients from the animal kingdom
98% meat/eggs
The consumption of meat, or products coming from animals.
Diet for keeping weight, depression and chronic disease at bay.
A simple, healthy, and effective way of eating
Eating meat, mostly red and fatty
Only animal products.
Finally received freedom from always being hungry on low fat SAD diet.
At least 95% caloric intake from animal products
The best diet for me
Only foods from the animal kingdom.
I’m the hank hill of food. I eat meat and meat accessories. Salt mostly.
High fat animal products as tolerated (I can't eat dairy), water, and I drink black coffee occasionally.
Eating only various parts of animals and animal products (i.e. eggs, dairy for those who tolerate them). But my personal version is approximately 85% ribeye 10% livers (beef, bison, chicken) and maybe 5% lamb, chicken or turkey.
Nose to tail.
Eating products that are animal based only.
Eating only animal products.
Excluding processed and unnecessary junk from our diets
Eating only or primarily meat and animal products.
Only animal products
All meats and egg products.
It is a meat based diet.
Eat animals products exclusively.
Animal foods
Eating only animal products that were available to indigenous hunter-gatherer groups.
Only eat Meat and dairy/eggs
Meat, fish, eggs, cheese.
Satisfying and easy
Mostly beef and occasional vegetables
Food that comes from an animal and does not include any plant matter
Meat only
animal products, mostly meat
Eating animal source foods while avoiding all plant matter.
A way of eating that excludes all plant foods in lieu of animal based foods.
What your body really needs!
Eating meat, fish, eggs, cheese and not eating any plants like fruits, vegetables, grains or herbs other than maybe for some seasoning.
Zero carb
Animals only, meat, eggs, cheese, butter, heavy cream, occasional carb-free sweetener and coffee.
Eating animal sourced food.
Animal based
Animal products, NO dairy since it is an agricultural and dangerous product.
Beef lamb eggs dairy coffee occasional alcohol
Nutriënt dense diet
Lots of animal fat animal meat and animal organs. Only a small amount of plants.
Animal foods only or almost only animal foods ie having some rly small amounts of plants once or twice per week its ok if they dont make u feel bad
Excluding all plant foods.
Eating meat, salt, water, coffee and occasional wine.
animal foods only
Eating only animal sourced foods.
Amazing effects but hard to never eat a plant or a sugar for months mainly for social reasons
Consisting of mainly meat, but allowing all animal foods and no plants.
Meat or anything that has a face
No plants
Eat everything edible from prey animals, add salt to taste and drink water or black coffee.
anything a vegan would eat, I won't.
Animal-based products
Meat or animal products only
Animal products only including milk
Lots of meat, eggs and cheese
The ultimate elimination/nutritional diet.
The ancestral way of life
Meat based, eggs, fish.
Optimal nutrition and bioavailible sustenance without waste.
If it comes from an animal, it’s food.
Eating animal products only, primarily meat
Eating only minimally processed animal products
The most satisfactory and nutrient diet in the whole world
High fat, low carb meat based diet.
Elimination diet. Anti-inflammatory diet.
Meat, fowl, seafood, eggs, high-fat dairy like butter or cream, salt, spices for flavoring.
Eat only from the animal kingdom.
Fatty raw beef tastes like manna from the heavens.
If it comes from an animal, it is allowed.
Some animal products, mostly meat
More awake and look better
Primarily animal based, with zero processed food.
Only animal based foods
Broad sense of the term animal products. Strict sense just meat.
Eat meat and drink water.
Eating only animal products. Plants used as seasoning sparingly.
It's a very simple and nutritious diet
Animal based foods
Animal sourced foods; SPARINGLY incl. Low-carb products like diet soda/halo top and whiskey/red wine.
Animal based, no plants.
Meat, eggs, dairy
Animal products only - zero plants, spices, coffee, etc.
Consumption of animal products only.
Animal products
Mostly meat, some dairy
Our natural species appropriate diet
A diet based solely on animal nutrition in its healthiest state, both for the purpose of restoring health and improving ones self for the long term.
Only foods from the animal kingdom - mainly beef and water
Eating only meat and drinking only water.
Meat, fish, dairy, eggs, offal
Meat, water, salt
Low carb animal foods
Only animal products (except sweet byproducts like honey).
All meat products, including heavy cream and sometimes cheese, enjoy eggs occasionally. I do drink coffee and usually eat in an 4-8 hr window
Not so much a diet to me as it is a lifestyle regemine
Eating solely from animal sources
Near elimination of plant food
A diet of eating meat and eschewing plants.
High fat, moderate protein animal sourced foods only.
Eating food sourced from animals. With minimal plan indulgences or vices.
In which you eat only from the animal kingdom, and predominantly meat and offal.
A diet rich in natural nutrient dense highly bioavailabile foods, consistent with human evolution that treats animals as food and planta as medicine and utility.
Meat (mostly beef), cheese, water
Elimination of all plant products and byproducts, particularly vegetable/seed oils.

82% of those on the CarniWay have already tried a ketogenic diet (less than 50 grams of carbohydrates a day)
What important nutritional wisdom did you personally gain through trying the above diets?
Everything you've learned about nutrition is wrong.
Carbs don’t agree with me.
I dont need carbs, and should not have pasta or bread.
They don’t work as well as CarniWay
Aside from the Keto diet, I gained weight on all of them.
Less carbs means staying sharp.
From keto I learned abstinence is easier than restriction.
No such thing as a calorie, fat is nothing to be feared.
Vegan diet will eventually deplete you. If you don’t want to be carnivore, the Keto diet is probably the best other diet.
It’s all bullshit.
Ketogenic diets are the best for mood and energy levels.
I don’t like counting calories.
CarniWay is optimal, I look and perform my best on it.
That fat isn't the enemy.
Needs to be sustainable, fat is vital.
It’s near impossible to white-knuckle your appetite/craving while still trying to feed those cravings through moderation. Find a way of eating that allows one to eat the food they like, be satiated from it and that doesn't trigger random cravings for non-food products.
Increased vegetable consumption does not increase energy, mood, or wellbeing.
I did try vegan & vegetarian but couldn't last a month. Fibre and sugar are major issues for me. Keto was awesome to start with and then my digestion went downhill.
High carb diets got me fatty liver and symptoms of pre-diabetes.
My diet composition in a SAD or Mediterranean style had zero effect on body composition regardless of calorie consumption. Low carb and keto were the first weight loss I’d ever seen. Allergies sent me to ZC/Carnivore after 9-ish months of keto.
That more dietary choices and options does not mean more freedom - it means less. It means you have to stay more disciplined, fight more cravings, and deal with issues that come from different foods.
The weight always crept back on. Not satisfying, didn’t cure my sugar addiction.
Low fat doesn't work.
Plants aren't necessarily the super foods I thought they were. I felt just as bad, if not worse, on vegan.
Everything works - temporarily. Only carnivore continues to give consistent results.
Weighing food is important.
They worked a little bit but not enough to be worth it.
They may work for others but they don't work for me.
The only diet that worked was low carb.
Veganism is stupid. Paleo is cool.
Listen to your body on diet, and include animal products daily for nutritional needs.
You’ll always gain it back.
Sugar and Carbs = No bueno
The only carbs I need are naturally occurring in meats and vegetables.
I don't like plants, generally.
I need meat.
Plants are not necessary and look for nutritionally dense foods.
Its gotta be able to fit into your lifestyle or else you wont stick with it
Ketogenic diets are the only ones that work.
Combine with intermittent fasting and exercise for best results, if you need to heal, then sleep more.
Calorie counting is a bunch of nonsense. Vegetarianism and low fat diets are flat out bad for you. Carbohydrates are not your friend.
Understanding what you consume matters.
They don’t make me healthy.
Veggies suck.
Listen to your body, eat when hungry, assess your nutrition needs, when you stray from your goals don’t beat yourself up just get back on the bandwagon.
That it’s all bs.
Keto works.
Fasting is awesome!
With CICO/standard diet advice I am constantly hungry.
Listen to your body.
Most don’t work.
Too much effort for me to count calories.
Grain free or gluten free diets would probably be beneficial for most. Quality of meat is important.
Eat whole foods, mainly meat.
Energy balance is important.
Counting calories don't matter, because calories out is so variable. It is 100% what foods you eat, not how much food you are eating.
Carbs are bad, and the SAD is unnatural
Vegan / vegetarian always hungry, not enough fat or protein, grains make me very fatigued.
CICO is not entirely accurate.
Limiting carb intake is a very effective way of controlling hunger and clearing the mind.
That meat has everything you need.
I try to learn "nutritional wisdom" and use that info to make dietary decisions, not the other way around.
That the more meat I eat the better I feel.
Only very low carb or no carb works for me.
1. You have to find what works for you. 2. You’re an individual, and you may not always respond to dietary changes exactly the way that Reddit insists will be true for everyone. 3. There are no rules with regard to eating; there’s only what you choose to eat/not eat.
Keto and Paleo made me realize the importance of quality food.
CICO was a constant struggle, but the lower my carb intake, the better I felt.
Stay away from grain and sugar.
Vegetables hurt.
Try everything and see what works best for you!
Eat when hungry. Don't eat when not.
If you can stick to a WOE(Way of Eating) it can make a big difference in your life.
Controlling hunger and inflammation is the key.
We can get all nutrients from animal foods
I mostly learned what didn't work. I learned that calories in/calories out does work, but only up to a point, then a rebound effect comes in to play.
Find what you can stick with. Meat based for me.
Collected a lot of data on what worked and what didn't work for me. Can subsist on many different ways of eating, but thrive on a few.
Sugar is bad.
Vegetarian and vegan diets feel good at first, but slowly whittle away at your health.
How I feel eating certain things. What irritates my eczema.
The lower the carbs the easier to lose weight.
I think my body processes carbs poorly and the less I include the better I feel. Plants are optional for me personally, but meat is not, I must include meat.
Food quality matters.
Whole grains cause inflammation.
Food is for nutrition, not pleasure.
All chronic disease is lactic acidosis, lactic acidosis is caused by burning sugar, meat is the #1 original superfood and should be in everybody's diet.
We have been told wrong what we should be eating.
That they were not optimal for me.
I felt like crap eating heavy carbs and low fat. Went keto, realized I could live off of meat-only and started that.
Some things work, but not for long. Nothing is as simple or effective as zero carb.
I am very sensitive to carbohydrates, have many food intolerances and it takes me a long time to get in to ketosis. Many foods that are technically Paleo still trigger autoimmune flares for me.
Your mind is the biggest hurdle. Once you moved past it, you can do anything.
Sugar is shit, fat is amazing
What you eat and put in your body is much more important to your health than simply how much of it.
They all might have some benefits, but the ketogenic diet was by far the best for me. Carbohydrates are unnecessary.
High carbohydrate, low fat guidelines are killing people. Just because the body can handle carbohydrates doesn't mean they're not dangerous.
Dieticians are generally full of shit. All their diets did was make me sicker.
Paleo was sort of a gateway for me to CarniWay. It just made sense to be eating the quality foods that were supposed to be eating and eliminating everything we don’t need.
Every diet makes you lose weight as long as you are consuming less than you are burning, just find one you can stick to.
They don’t work.
No one really seems to understand nutrition and we were all taught about it incorrectly in school.
The body runs better in ketosis/on low carb.
Listen to your body, follow your instincts, do not manipulate externally, do not think you're smarter than your body.
It's easy to have too much energy and not enough nutrition density even in an otherwise wholefoods diet.
Carbohydrates make your body fat but dietary fat gives you energy.
Your body needs nutrients, and everybody is a little different.
CICO doesn’t work. I need to cycle through different ways of eating to fight homeostasis and stabilize my weight, as well as fix insulin resistance.
Meat is better.
They all work to an extent if you can stick to them.
n=1, do what works for you.
Low-carb works.
Nothing was gained. Only further into confusion.
Plants don't want to be eaten.
That vegan diet causes disease.
Eat what works.
That ketosis is great for my physical and mental health.
All of them worked to some degree but higher protein/lower carb always worked best. These all led to CarniWay being my optimal diet.
Everything can work for a few months or years but in the end they might harm you in ways you could not imagine so always try to research for advocates that are against the current diet you do and try to logically and scientifically debunk them in order to continiue doing it while getting actual results when u do a certain diet.
Elimination of sugar is critical to health.
Fat is good, sugar is bad.
Sugar & carbs are the cancer for humanity.
CarniWay is species appropriate for homo sapians
The vast majority of "nutritional science" is poorly designed and much is corrupt. I even have a catchphrase "Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics, Epidemiology" (Epidemiology to track diseases is fine, powerful and good, but that's not how it's used here)
I have food intolerances (grains and dairy). Grains will seemingly never work with me again, but on carnivore the ill effects of dairy seem to be non-existent. My constant back pain goes completely away on carnivore.
The lower the carbs, the better.
Only keto / low carb works for weight loss.
CICO rules but stresses me out.
Whole foods is important.
There’s more to losing weight than cutting out sugars.
Meat is the only food you need.
Keep evolving and work out what's best for your body.
Every one sucked but Keto.
Im more emotionally stable eating meat and generally feel better. So long as the meat is of good quality. If the meat is of bad quality it impacts me badly. Possibly due to the animal being overtreated with medicine or having had a poor diet and lifestyle that wasnt natural for it. Wild game meat, organic and grass fed meats and fats generally make me feel great. I dont tolerate minced meats, possibly due to their alleged histamine content.
That food affects the way you feel, improved awareness of how the body feels on an ongoing basis.
That none of them work longterm and I felt horrible on them. Also learned that veganism was the worst of all and made me feel the worst. Also I learned that restricting calories brings a low quality in energy and therefore low quality of life. Also learned through short veganism that my body needs animal fat and protein.
Counting calories doesn’t work long term, and you will lose muscle.
That nutrition was immediately connected to well-being.
Fruit and veggies makes me feel always hungry and anxious. Never felt satisfied for more than two hours after eating.
Only the low-carb, high fat WOE helped me feel good, clear out my brain, and lose excess weight.
Micronutrients are as important as macronutrients.
All carbs are a drug, the more you eat the more you want.
Plant foods are destructive to nearly every facet of my mental and physical well-being.
Protein is crucial.
Other WOE keep me hungry.
Only cutting carbs did anything.
The keto diet worked, I lost 90lbs and got rid of my heart burn.
Fat is your friend; dietary carbohydrates are the enemy.
Portion control works but not long term.
Listen to your body.
That vegetarian/vegan made my Crohn's symptoms worse.
They aren't the solution I was looking for.
The human body is an efficient machine that will consistently optimize no matter what you feed it. Different strokes for different folks.
The government lies about nutrition
The less sugar I ate, the better I felt. I also became much more aware of sugar addiction.
Keto and paleo were my favorites and something I'd revisit if I felt the need to. My only learning from the rest was that they're not good for you.
Eating whole fresh foods and quality is important and staying away from sugar is important.
Low Blood Glucose and insulin levels are king above all else.
Carnivore/Keto/LC are healthiest diets.
None resolved headaches and some other issues the way CarniWay did.
I was the most unhealthy on a vegetarian diet. I ate cheese pizza every day and weighed my heaviest. Keto was a great way to help me break from conventional dietary wisdom. I saw some improvement of symptoms on keto but still did not feel great. I stumbled upon carnivore and am now embarking on this journey out of desperation!
Low fat is a load of bull, and eating only vegetables destroyed both my physical and metal health. High fat and meat is the only way to go.
The dangers of gluten
Sugar is poison. Getting rid of sugar will get you 80% of the way to health no matter what else you're eating.
I improved eating Paleo lost 11 lbs 9 lbs fat and 2 lbs muscle. Had lots of cravings while eating carbs. CarniWay I have no problems with cravings.
How horrible sugar really is!
I can’t have carbs
Eating fat does not make you fat and carbs make me lethargic, inflamed, unhealthy and fat.
Constant learning starting with Atkins 20 years ago
Nothing worked except for keto, and then I stalled with getting rid of excess fat, and went carnivore / relaxed carnivore. I find meal planning with carnivore extremely easy, and that is another reason I love the diet.
Carnivore is simplest.
Animal fats are critical.
That I needed meat and the less carbs the better I felt.
Not much except for Atkins, which was a revelation and changed my relationship with sugar immediately.
Carbs and insulin are key.
I do and feel best when I'm in ketosis and avoid grains/artificial ingredients.
Low carb is good for stable energy.
The importance of regulating insulin and not stressing my body by eating too many carbs.
You need to eat meat for good health.
Meat should be the center of all diets. Salt is good. Cholesterol is good.
No processed foods is healthy.
CarniWay is a great compliment to fasting; equal Carbs + equal fats = weight gain.
None of them worked - I don’t consider last diet experiences rewarding.
That I'm addicted to sugar and even a little bit will make me crave more.
Less is more and meat is best.
To eat clean and as natural as possible.
Some diets can make you worse. Especially the Vegan diet. It almost killed me.
Sugar is bad.
You don’t need fiber.
What was your transition into the CarniWay like? Was adapting difficult? What was hard? Did you feel crappy?
Transition wasn't too hard but sometimes I had diarrhea.
Not difficult as steak has always been my favorite food.
Keto-flu for about 3-4 days. Didnt feel like working out for about 14 days, but After this, everything was smooth and I was not looking back.
Had some oxalate dumping in beginning and again after I quit coffee and chocolate. Had to adjust minerals for a period of time.
Only downside was the tons of diarrhea.
Plain sailing.
I felt hungover for about a week and then it was smooth sailing.
Very easy and natural transfer from keto. I still incorporate fasting.
Coming from keto it was easy
Electrolyte issues.
No harsh adaptation issues. I was keto for almost a year before so I was already fat adapted. Biggest “issue” was probably not eating enough at the beginning.
My energy was low, but I loved removing the shackles of appetite.
I eased into it to give my body time to adjust to increased meat. No issues at all.
I adapted pretty quick, no other issues, except the weight loss. I am already skinny.
No issues whatsoever from keto to carnivore. Immediate relief of allergies and fatigue within 2 days of changing the WOE.
One week of mild headache and fatigue. Transition from keto prior.
First week I had headaches. I feel lightheaded when I forget to take magnesium.
Crappy 2 days.
I only had extreme carb cravings and hypoglycemia, so while it was hard to stay 100% carnivore, it wasn't too difficult.
Toilet unpleasant but everything else easy
Basically didn't notice. Went from S.A.D. to Carnivore with ease.
Low gym energy for 6 months.
I have about a 3 day window of suffering every time I adapt.
Felt great almost immediately, sugar cravings were gone within a couple of days.
I had the runs for 4 months, comes back sometimes.
About 3 months of reduced energy, but pretty smooth overall.
Had some digestive issues for approximately three weeks but not too difficult.
I do currently feel somewhat crappy physically, but much clearer mentally.
2 weeks of fuck you and 1 week of crap. :-)
Felt fine, just ate extra fat and beef and broth and salt.
Easy - no issues. Transitioning to keto was originally much harder.
First month consistent diarrhea, some low energy and muscle cramping still an issue at times.
It was simple from keto.
Was much easier than expected
I never got the "flu-like symptoms", but I did have some intense cravings.
Transition was hard mostly because I love food. I felt crappy for a while. The lack of variety and social aspect are the most difficult for me.
I came from keto and found the transition to very easy. The hardest part is the social aspect.
Came from keto so it was seamless
Was keto around 4 months before starting, so transition was not too difficult. The biggest issue was I ate a lot of meat for the first few months, around 5+ pounds daily.
The first couple attempts were miserable, adding in IF was the most important thing to change that.
What I eat is only part of the picture with my illness, there are better days than previous but still plenty of crappy days.
Took almost a month for BMs to be normal.
No, moved from keto into ZC without any issues.
Electrolytes help a lot.
Salt fixed all issues.
Very smooth transition.
Adapting from keto was rough! I had absolutely no energy or stamina and fluctuated between diarrhea and sticky, sludgy poop for about a month.
It honestly wasn’t difficult at all. I was keto for a year before hand which probably helped.
It was hard until I increased my salt intake.
Went from Keto + IF, very easy.
It's been mostly effortless. Not used to cooking a lot so that's been a change. Lifting energy has been good but it feels like it takes more effort to go up stairs.
I came from Keto, so transitioning hasn't been too hard, other than carb cravings.
I had basically no adaptation phase.
Felt like dogshit for about a week. I was already keto adapted (or thought I was) and I had keto flu like I have never experienced before. Then it took about 6 weeks for my bowels to sort themselves out (Flora and fauna optimized for plants dying off and being replaced).
I came from Keto for 4 years prior, and had little to no issue since I always had gone light on the plants.
No keto flu but, boy oh boy, those cravings!
Not a difficult transition as I was already fat adapted and on keto. Initially I had a lot of cravings for only very specific foods outside of the diet- nuts mostly, and occasional onions and tomatoes. I tinkered with what I ate and steak with added fat felt the best for an everyday meal and it still does. Mostly I felt improved moods and calmness right away and my sleep and energy was amazing. Digestive bloating went away, I lost the few grey hairs I had as my hair became darker again, and skin felt great, noticed I didnt need to obsessively use chapsticks and lotions.
Adaptation was difficult, had trouble accessing meat during initial month.
Very easy. I thrive in extreme conditions
Did keto first then CD
Was doing keto for a year before so it was natural. Was harder to give up the chocolate, nuts and seeds. Not missing them now.
It was of no problem, coming from a keto diet.
Some bowl and sleep issues but not that difficult.
Went very easy.
The transition was rough, I had a migraine for the first couple of weeks straight.
Physically, it wasn't hard. I was already a long term keto-er and I love meat. Mentally it was more difficult. I was always scared I was eating too much, I was worried about being so hungry in the beginning.
Easy adaptation minimal cravings
It was easy since I already ate keto. I was only eating meat and vegetables, so skipping the vegetables made sense considering I never liked them anyway. It's been hard mainly from a social standpoint. Having a steak with chips is fine, but having only the steak makes people think you're crazy. My family's reaction to me eating this way isn't exactly supportive, so I keep it to myself.
Definitely weird. My friends and family kind of think it’s odd or dangerous but I don’t blame them; I would’ve thought the same things a couple months ago. I’m only in my second week of CD and still feel some sugar and carb cravings but the longer I stay on the diet, the easier it becomes to turn down those other foods. I think in another week or two I won’t crave carbs at all.
I was already on keto since 2012 and I already mostly ate only meat. Transitioning to carnivore was easy because the greens were causing me issues occasionally.
I had no difficulties (transitioned from keto). The only problems I had were social in nature (family member pressure).
Slightly bored into the first week or 2 but got over it shortly thereafter and now crave meat and fat.
Brutal, felt bad for many months.
Came from keto so it was natural to phase out things like kale and asparagus and avocados
3 weeks of diarrhea and candida die off.
I had no problems. I fasted a day beforehand. I had been experimenting with fasting and IF for months beforehand so I think I was easily able to shift to using fat as energy.
Easier than expected. Mostly a mental game.
It was fine because I was already doing keto.
Crappy during week 3, but fine otherwise.
it wasn't hard coming from a keto background and already eating a lot of meat, it was more psychological resistance around removing plants.
I came straight from nearly two months of keto, so the transition was smooth.
Adapting was easy since I had done keto before and knew what to expect. I also already hated vegetables so it was awesome to be free of the burden of eating them for “health”.
Adapting was hard for me for first 3 months or so.
Very minor digestive issues (nausea), but otherwise nothing.
I saw improvement in GI issues at day 44. Felt very tired at the beginning. Adapting was not difficult, but I had to take it easy for those 44 days because of feeling tired.
Bad diarrhea.
Easy after 2 years keto / 1 year whole (unprocessed) food
It was no problem after 12 years of keto/low carb. Especially since my pretty severe back pain went away and comes back the next day after any cheat.
Surprisingly easy. Felt better very soon. Did have diarrhea for a week or so. Drank lots of salty water. Suspected Keto flu after about 3 weeks for a few days. Zero cravings.
Relatively easy as I already was almost only eating 2-3 foods on a regular basis, although with some variety now and then. It has helped in many ways but these days I also experiment with some carbs to see how I feel with it. I did go full on CarniWay for a while (around half a year) though, with the exception of christmas food and one or two family dinners. Generally I find that CarniWay can work well but is hard to follow where I live (Denmark). I'm trying to work with a local butcher to make it a little easier to follow. Its too hard to find fatty meats from good sources at reasonable prices here.
Not hard, meat is delicious. Social/spousal perception is probably the hardest part.
I stopped all grains and sugar first, also coffee. Then Keto for about 10 days with a lot of fatigue and pain in my legs. Then straight to carnivore and after 4 days a light bulb went on. I had terrible constipation around week two. But since then all is great!
Very easy at the beginning because I ate a lot but as I had to reduce my daily intake for insomnia and inflammatory brain I felt fatigued for very long period of time.
Challenging in the first 2 weeks
It wasn't very hard for me because I had been doing keto. I did get grumpy about 3-5 days in but then suddenly I was on top of the world.
I felt crappy for a couple of days, felt cravings still for a good 6 weeks. My gut settled down after 3 weeks or so. Total transition about 8 weeks
I felt horrid for a period of 3-4 days, feeling much better than baseline after the 4th day and onward. It was hard only in the sense that I had to continue a strenuous and physical job during the initial adaption.
Feeling like crap after eating too little fat.
Easy coming from keto. Maybe a new wave of a keto flu, but I just upped my salt
Being keto for months made it smooth enough.
Crappy for a week then better.
It was perfectly fine, no problems at all.
Not that hard, felt 90% better than before less than one week in.
Difficult... Took 2 months before I started to feel better. Was struggling with electrolytes and histamine issues
OK, some horrific and unexpected digestion issues. Also felt weak and faint at certain times.
Easy - meat was always what I preferred to eat, ate most of; never liked bread, pasta, etc; never was junk food eater. Learning carnivore could be "healthy" gave me permission to eat the way I wanted.
I had energy dips when starting out and diarrhea for roughly a week. I was already low carb, so mostly the transition was easy.
It was pretty hard staying away from treats. Although staying away from veggies was so easy. I’ve done strict diets before so I knew I could do it but eventually I succumbed to cravings and went off CarniWay for a bit. I felt crappy at first but then switched up my meat with a more fatty meat and that was key.
It was a little rough the first week, particularly with digestive issues. Got hit with nausea and headaches the fourth week. Feeling good at week 7.
Adapting wasn't hard (no keto flu or energy issues), getting rid of my addiction/need for the pleasure of junk food was.
Had to use a lipase supplement for a couple of weeks, otherwise fine.
Definitely had symptoms even though I’d come from keto. Mostly I think it was electrolyte imbalances and/or oxalate dumping
Ate too much fat at first and had terrible diarrhea, otherwise was already keto adapted and felt really good immediately.
Eating with others is no longer an option. Too many confused coworkers.
After keto it was a natural progression.
It took at least 2months to adapt, tiredness main symptom.
I felt dizzy and a bit sick for 2 days.
I think I felt a little off at first, I do remember being fatigued for about a week and a half. Then all of a sudden I woke up one morning and it was like "Holy crap I feel amazing. Where did all this energy come from?" Sounds Cliche, but that's really how I felt. All my mental health and digestive issues disappeared as well.
I felt fine, but had diarrhea issues
I was almost zero carb so the final few veggies were easy to let go. No issues.
Easy but looser stool for about 3 months.
You aren't used to being satiated but still have cravings.
From IF and keto to carnivore was easy transition
All smooth except some digestive issues early on.
Diarrhea for 3 weeks
Transitioned from very low carb keto so adapted quickly without hardship. Very few crappy episodes even with warrior OMAD.
Have had some issue with electrolyte balance, I have trouble getting enough sodium even after 7 months of CD. Calf cramps are my primary indicator.
I was already in ketosis, and already so used to being physically in pain it didn't really phase me. I just woke up one morning and realized it didn't hurt to roll over in bed, and I knew I was closer to healing.
I failed the first time trying due to carnivore flu. The second time it took me 4 months to get over carb cravings.
I had been doing low-carb in the months before, so it actually wasn’t a major transition. I did feel light headed from time to time in the first two weeks, but I avoided “keto flu.”
The first 3-4 months were hard because my body wanted fruit.
Cold turkey. Keto flu for a week then easy peasy :) Worst part is the social aspect.
Have you had any negative effects on CarniWay?
A newfound, deep, undying love of anything that even tastes remotely sweet.
Liquidy shits in the beginning, but otherwise none at all.
Energy slump early on, kidney stones (oxalate dumping) about 15 months in. That was a year ago. No problems since then.
Diarrhea and flu like symptoms during transition
Nothing that wasn't fixed with supplemented electrolytes.
Pork. For some reason or other my body does not get along with pork.
My immune system still seems crappy. Just had influenza and strep throat right before that. Not blaming the diet, but it hasn’t yet made my immune system stronger.
Hard poops at first.
My appetite tanks, so I often feel groggy when I don't actively remind myself to eat.
I'm still bloating more in the abdomen than I feel is natural
Initial weight gain and hormonal imbalance
Tons of fat gain whenever I eat ad lib with higher fat. Copper toxicity from beef liver.
Heartburn is worse due to increased fat consumption.
I can’t eat out because I’m afraid to eat something that will negatively effect me
I’m still adapting to the diet, I think, so my digestion is still not 100%, but better than before.
Poor joint recovery. Severe hair loss. Rage.
Lack of consistent bowel function.
The runs if I eat too much fat or too much at once.
I experience cramping (abdominals) more often even with supplementation of electrolytes. Occasionally, constipation.
It's quite difficult to get accommodated in some settings
Clenching my jaws in my sleep. Sometimes very hard.
Diarrhea while transitioning from SAD
Occasional diarrhea if my fat intake changes alot. testing ratios.
Diarrhea from dairy. Social isolation due to people's preconceived notions on what a healthy diet is. Depression upon realising I'd been lied to my entire life and developed health complications as a result of that.
Just from people telling me I'm gonna die!
I don’t poop as often, but I don’t feel like I have all that food inside me. I still feel light after not pooping for 3 days. No stomach/digestive discomfort
Orthostatic hypotension, to combat this, I have added more minerals to my water
Possibly pain from going off oxalates too quickly, and early on I had diarrhoea but that cleared up
Yes....20 lbs gained over 11 months, with no end. After 6 months my blood sugar was elevated and blood pressure was up
Yes. After 8 weeks, worse skin, decreased energy, permanent nausea, permanent sweats, unable to concentrate, shakes, sunken eyes.
diarrhea every few days
Occasionally I wake up feeling like I've slept all night but it's only been a couple of hours. Then I can't get back to sleep. Later that day will be tired. But doesn't happen often thankfully. Cramps in arch of foot sometimes.
I couldn't digest beef and didn't realize for a while, so that sucked.
Constipated badly on week 2 - I got really scared but it was just transition. All good now.
More sensitive to spices when they are used without my knowledge.
Only insomnia when I have eaten too much protein.
A weird stomach pain that lasted for a few hours the first week I switched. Went away rather quickly.
Bleeding gums
When i was strict carnivore, i would get ridicuously tired in the middle of the day, often. I added a small amount of carbs (honey, occasional blueberries) on workout days and it helped immensely.
Gaining a bit of weight is the only negative I've had, as well as a return of acne, but I have currently gone through a lot of stress with uni, studying and exams. So coffee (which I quit recently) didn't help with protein digestion and only increased my cortisol, so of course I gained weight and got some acne. But I can imagine I gained weight due to hormones balancing and etc. Acne returned specifically because butter/dairy has a tendency to do that to me.
Chronic depression, weight gain (fat not muscle) exhaustion, muscle pain. Nausea
Low folate/high homocysteine but improved with addition of liver
Acne got a bit worse, but it might be from the cheese.
It has become a lot more difficult to relate to others, especially with regards to their carb-induced problems.
Not after the adaptation phase no
Leaky gut/histamine issues appeared out of nowhere
What's your #MeatHeals story? What changed for the better when you started the CarniWay?
I lost 10 pounds, lowered inflammation, better digestion with no bloating, my body feels better overall.
Weightloss, bloating disapeared. Higher energy levels, and feeling great.
No signs of Lupus, no inflammation, quick muscle recovery.
Shoulder tendonitis, carpal tunnel and sore knees disappeared. Strength and confidence increased. Lost my slouch. More assertive as a whole.
Sleep. Fat loss. Increased energy.
Depression and anxiety gone. More energy and mental clarity. Better gym and jiujitsu sessions. Severe seasonal allergies gone. Aches and pains gone.
keto was the main improvement and helped with food control, lost interest in greens and moved on to carnivore
It saved my life, in every regard
Calmer mind
Digestive issues disappeared, joints stopped hurting after working out, hair stopped falling out/started thickening, libido came back, some skin issues went away.
Energy levels improved, appetite stabilized. Re-established trust with my body and its hunger signals. Wasn't trying to heal anything.
Digestion improved, mood improved, confidence soared.
I have no more gut issues, no constipation, no brain fog, no swelling of extremities, no more bile issues, simptoms of PCOS have relieved.
Relieved the allergies and food rejection I experienced during pregnancy (2-3 trimester). Relieved lifelong chronic fatigue and anemia. Stabilized weight and energy levels.
Hip pain went away, sleep improved majorly. Skin cleared. More lean muscle mass.
My gallbladder stopped cramping, my body aches stopped, and I just feel generally better
When following the CD I have a 75-90% reduction in autoimmune symptoms. No headaches, better mental clarity, no debilitating fatigue, very few muscle twitches, less dry skin, no bloating. I only get these things when I eat something that I shouldn't. At this point I still have some occasional fatigue, eye floaters, periungal erythema, some dandruff, and see inflammation in the capillaries in my eyelids.
Crohns symptoms went away
Have had arthritic flare-ups since starting carnivore, but willing to give it a year to find improvements.
My eczema heart burn disappeared lost weight
Dandruff disappeared.
resolved arthritis due to old injury, cleared up skin, sorted out GI issues due to lack of gallbladder, better mental clarity, return of libido
Lost fat and felt generally better. Gained a bit of muscle without working out too.
I think clearer, act faster and feel healthier.
I mainly started Carnivore for my S.O. who has IBS and UC. A pure elimination diet to hopefully find out what is causing the issues.
body composition improved(less fat more muscle), brain function improved, mood improved, cravings disappeared.
Healing CFS , Bascially was slowly getting worse. No supplements or treatments were helping. Then i went CV, Been 5 months now and feeling great! even have been back to school and feel confident to go back to work soon. This diet is very healing. If CV can heal CFS/ME then we simply know it is the most powerful healing diet we can possibly do.
Better digestion, mood, energy, gym performance.
Joint pain/muscle aches/stiffness/rashes/mental clarity/hormones/chronic fatigue/gut dysbiosis
Haven't been on it very long, but already feeling increased energy
The heme iron helped promote higher weight loss in ketosis than ferrous iron.
Skin, sleep, and migraines improved. Hair and nails are better, cystic acne is healing. Had a dentist tell me my cavity was so deep I would need a root canal, but I didn't feel pain, did carnivore for 2 months and went back and I said I didn't want the root canal. They checked and it seemed to have gotten better and I didn't actually require it.
mild IBS disappeared.
Extreme bloating and gas improved drastically
Water retention is better and less intestinal issues
Cleared acne, cleared hemorrhoids, cleared eczema, better mood and sleep
Decreased my Crohn’s disease symptoms/severity
Better sleep!
Joints, headaches, energy.
Acne and skin in general. Muscle gains
Nothing really yet.
I can fast and feel real hunger, thats about it.
Lowered a ton of bio markers.
Lymph nodes reduced; Inflammation reduced;
Digestive issues started ramping up when I switched to keto. When I went to the carnivore diet, it took about 2 months to really see improvement. I've still got a long ways to go, but I do believe I've had digestive issues all my life and just thought is was normal. The new normal is a lot better.
So far, a lot of the pain and fear is gone that I associated with food and eating. IBS is hell, and it seems to be getting better progressively, although not completely resolved yet.
Have CFS/ME, currently in a relapse with symptoms worse than previously. Find more protein and higher fat levels help with fatigue, joint pain, brain fog.
No joint pain, no migraines or headaches, less bloating, more mood stability
Extreme dandruff and occasional heartburn went away completely, drinking much more water.
My joints hurt less and I get fewer migraines
I use CarniWay to maintain a better physique with less effort/tracking
Healed Colotis
Better overall health
I find ketones very therapeutic for my neurological issues. It’s easier for me to stay in ketosis this way, though I definitely have to limit protein to do so. My digestion and cravings/binge-eating are much better than when I was keto (and keto was much better than SAD).
I just feel like a better me! The best most dramatic part is that I have a healthier relationship with food. It’s no longer the main focus of my life. I finally have freedom.
My entire immune system felt better.
Weight, energy, hunger, brain clarity.
I've got abs now, so that's nice.
keto still doing meds, on carnivore on 2nd day I'm off meds
Still in my first month, however, I've lost roughly 9 pounds so far.
I've only just started, but already my adult acne is starting to clear up.
I am not sure. After a while, PKD made me gain weight, loose tons of hair and experience rage not normal to my character
pretty much everything. i started just wanting to clear my acne but soon found that other things were healing as well. things i never thought could have been linked to diet. problems i didnt even know i had. my emotional awareness is better, my brain feels sharper, my outlook on life is better, im much more confident, more consistent energy, better skin/hair, my circulation improved, temperature sensitivity, less bloating, lungs feel healthier during cardio, gaining muscle is easier, the list is ever growing.
Athletic performance
My crohn's disease symptoms completely disapered.
Weight loss (60 lbs), body composition improved, joints feel much better, improvement in skin, sun resistance, improved cognition and focus, improved digestion, and my baseline level of anxiety have decreased. These are all generally small changes, but collectively they feel like a pretty big improvement in my well being. I feel like my best me.
Lost 50 lbs, recovery time is unreal tendon issues getting better.
My overall health, and my body fat percent
So many things: better mood, no brain fog, eczema reduction, blood sugar stabilization, arthritis reduction, weight loss, strength gain, no fatigue, able to fast for extended periods, much more energy, better sleep, regulation of periods, etc etc etc
I was a vegetarian and sometimes vegan from the age of 12 to 32. I was obese, diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, pcos, mood disorder. I was eating a high carb, low fat, low protein diet and a lot of sugar, junk, and alcohol. I began with a paleo approach and mentally felt great but didnt really lose any weight and none of my other issues improved. A few years later I moved to keto lose weight and to help control excess menstrual bleeding and try to avoid a hysterectomy. This helped immensely, I lost weight, my cycle improved, I converted my DM2. My move to carnivore was about becoming even stronger. I also noticed it is a very slippery slope to carb binges for me. I found my sugar cravings did not go away on keto and every few months I would falter. The more I ate fat and leaned towards meat, eggs, cheese as my staples, the better I felt. I drifted somewhat into carnivore by accident, but when I discovered other people doing this is gave me the validation to move to carnivore full time. I'm still losing weight and bringing down my bp (cardiologist thinks I can convert in the future), but I feel great and all of my other issues are resolved. I had long time sleep and digestive issues that had become so normal for me it was amazing to experience improvement there.
Acne disappeared, joints stopped popping
Lost weight effortlessly.
Steady energy now all day.
Inflammation minimal, dental health much better, stronger, skin cleared up, anxiety depression gone, sleep better after acclimated to diet.
Got in the best shape of my life.
I got much stronger with my weight lifting, got over my plateaue
I over all feel healthier and look healthier. I have more energy, I’m faster, I’m stronger, my mind is clear. I’ve never felt better.
Since I've been fully carnivore for a month or so, most of my autoimmune symptoms have been in remission, and they just keep improving the longer I'm sticking to my 100% carnivore WOE.
I was attempting eat way too little on keto and while I wasn't quite dying I was definitely experiencing some serious effects of malnutrition. This philosophy changed my life for the better.
My hidradenitis suppurativa is gradually getting better and going away. Gout has disappeared.
Skin, mental clarity, mood improved, more energy, stopped snoring, better sleep, better attitude.
Memory improved. My mind is the sharpest its ever been.
My glucose levels are better, I've lost weight, and generally feel better, overall.
I’ve struggled with acne on my face and back since 6th grade. I just graduated high school this year and started the CD. Haven’t broken out since starting and I’ve also made an effort to get more sun. My skin is healing and I feel way more confident around other people.
I’ve lost 80 pounds and have less cravings
My nails got stronger and whiter, too early to tell other benefits yet.
Started with keto and felt much better - energy, brain fog, etc.
Eczema, gut health, brain fog.
Eczema, blood pressure, anxiety, depression, weight, virility, muscle, etc
I got rid of all "odiopathic" health issue symptoms I was not able to resolve fully on keto (eczema, depression, anxiety). My Hashimotos seems to be in remission. I enjoy my life (for the first time in my life).
Saw an immediate improvement in digestion coming away from a higher fiber/fat keto diet. Many other smaller benefits but mostly have simply gotten used to not reacting to food.
Knees feel better, lean mass growing without very much exercise, blood sugar and mood stabilized, eye sight getting slightly better, able to go out in the sun for a while without burning.
Very good control of t1 diabetes not limited to blood sugar only.
I have done a meat heals story and run the Carnivore Diet Success Story series on
Diet nearly killed me after 3 months, revovered to full health after going back to vegan
Skin conditions (psoriasis, plantar warts, skin tags, skin itching, dandruff), body composition (dropped 10 kg in 1 month and stabilized at that weight - very low body fat)
My acne is much better, my muscle composition is better, my head is clearer, my sleeping schedule is better. Suddenly I’m a morning person. I did this mainly for brain fog/depression. While life isn’t perfect, I feel better equipped with energy to deal with it.
I was diagnosed with autism 10 years ago. I no longer display symptoms or markers that were originally seen. Also true with ADD.
Felt better generally
Ulcerative colitis issies
My depression and digestive health improved within the first week.
Definitely noticed the biggest change in my mental health. If I ever cheat, the depression comes back quickly. When doing the diet, I feel great all the time.
Had severe constipation with the keto i was doing (plant heavy) and after all the mainstream medical advice i took and try for months (nothing worked) i go carnivore and i have fixed it in 3 days then i realised i had other gut issues that have been resolved throught the almost year i do the carnivore diet
My voice got a little deeper, which immediately disappeared when I introduced plant foods back.
Chronic back pain evaporated
No diabetic any longer, still repairing IR
Blood sugar is lower and stable
Recovery time and energy.
Weight loss, slept better
Weight loss, got stronger, more motivated, the small stuff does not bother me anymore, I feel a lot calmer.
Weight got up ( was underweight ).
Found out I couldn't digest anything but pork, finally got relief of horrible gut symptoms after a year and a half of suffering.
Immune disorders (psioriasis, pain, digesitve inflammation, rashes), digestive issues, bloating, mental health, energy levels.
Experimenting with how dietary changes can help/reduce/ideally eliminate my inflammatory joint paint (rheumatoid arthritis).
Best mental health, more energy, depression disappeared, anxiety disappeared, generally happier, more relaxed, calmer, better sleep, better body composition already, all of a sudden I want to work out and I love it, easy to make a meal, easy to decide what to eat, enjoying my meals, no more cravings, better digestion, no bloating, better periods, better life quality in general
Mental clarity, digestion, body composition.
Artists pain mostly gone, skin is vastly improved, down 75 lbs. overall feeling great!
My calm mood stabilized, no anxiety and felt deeply nourished as never before in my whole life. I discovered I'm very sensitive to most kind of food except meat and cause me inflammatory brain and sinus.
Better mood. Less cravings. Better skin. Better body composition. Improved blood work.
Brain health--physical and mental. Also inflamation and joint pain. Freedom from compulsive eating. Losing weight has been fantastic of course, but honestly if I had of felt this good when I was fatter, I'd of not cared about being so round!
My Digestion
Weight, brain fog, psoriasis, sleep, energy levels, cravings for carbs
Lost over 200 lbs, type 2 diabetes controlled with diet only.
Total eradication of my life-long IBS. No longer have extremely flaky skin or persistent gum disease/bleeding gums. No longer feel demotivated or sluggish at all times.
Better skin, IBS
I had some symptoms of joint pain/arthritis which runs in my family and is scary because I'm a professional musician. Completely gone within some weeks.
Nothing yet, 4 weeks in.
joint issues, aches and pains, last bit of weight drop, strength increase, and better mood and digestion.
Less joint pain and slept better.
Lifelong constipation and IBS gone.
Crohn's disease symptoms disappeared, and they were bad and life threatening.
Acne cleared up (when I also cut milk), and digestion improved.
Depression finally lifted (chronic issue since early childhood) skin is clearing up, losing weight.
Less joint swelling from rheumatoid arthritis.
90% digestive issues cleared. 80%pain and swelling in joints and back cleared. Energy spiked, 7-8 year pain in groin area (vericocele) cleared within a few months. Kept me calm, helped with cravings, simplified my life.
Symptoms of Lyme disease became much more tolerable
Rashes cleared up, stopped needing to nap, much better focus, no bloating, no longer overweight
Lost weight, stoped calorie counting
My abs really came out compared to when I was low-carb. Much improved muscle tone and growth. Better sleep. Easy meal preparation, and simpler eating at home.
My husbands friend told us about it and I laughed, thinking how the hell do you poop on that diet lol! Then started thinking about it and I’m super into nutrition so I did some digging. The more I read, the more fascinated I was and I originally supported my husband but then ended up being more into it than him. We both immediately lost weight but also just felt good. It was hard for us to keep up with it at first and it took about over two years for me to completely adapt to it. We did the January Carnivore month in 2018, then kinda went off for awhile, I got pregnant and still ate a bunch of meat but was scared to not eat veggies. After pregnancy, I just gravitated back to it and now I can’t see myself ever going back to the “normal standardized diet”. I just feel better all around.
Lost of weight loss. Better focus. Better impulse control.
Hunger went down significantly.
Crippling CostoChondritis and health anxiety dissapeared. Joints feel bulletproof. Horrible Cystic acne dissapeared and scars started lightening.
Moved from LC to Keto to CD. Health improved with each step. I’m as lean and fit as I was as a teenager, minus the wear and tear of age, recovery time
I am totally still in the beginner phase. Honestly, still feeling pretty crappy most of the time but it's only been 2 weeks. I will say my stomach pain/bloating/digestion seems to be slowly improving.
Lower weight, better digestive health, improvement in mental health
Clear thinking, much reduced fatigue and muscle pain
Got rid of my IBS and metabolic disease
I suffered from sever IBS and was taking doxycycline for around three years, and at the same time was on a low fat - high carb diet for weight loss and had an eating disorder which led to being vegetarian and eventually vegan without me realizing. Destroyed my digestive system and put myself in hospital at one point, started to develop fatty liver disease despite never drinking alcohol and for two years of my life I felt like a zombie and was medically deemed anorexic.
As soon as I switched to the CD after a period of gaining weight on the vegan diet (too many nuts and seeds) I felt incredible, it was like the life I had lost had been given back to me and all my brain fog and health issues disappeared. I had energy, I could think clearly, my relationship with food had been healed. My bloods were perfect, my memory improved, my strength improved, scars disappeared, acne improved (unless I eat too much butter), hunger levels decreased.
I could go on, but honestly, it's like I hit a reset button and everything just immediately improved. I'm just glad I discovered the CD when I was eighteen whilst I'm still in my growth period compared to others, because if I kept going with my original diet I can only imagine how unhealthy I would be at twenty-one and how that would affect me for the rest of my life. One of the biggest things though, was I got my period back, since I ended up going through early menopause at sixteen.
Nothing actually
All of my autoimmune symptoms are getting better
Started losing weight and felt better. Joints started feeling better as well.
No physical issues but some improvements in OAT test and lowered fasting insulin.
I felt stronger, lost cravings, not letting food dictate my day eat only lunch and dinner as I’m hungry
Sleep, muscle mass, and mood!
Clarity of mind and skin, mood and affect, inflamation, weight, pain, and flexibility all very much improved. Sleep duration improved and regular instead of excessive..
Bowels calmed down
Better management of my appetite and weight.
Better cycles, less anxiety, killed sugar addiction
Auto immune in remission
I feel much younger. I remember feeling like this in my twenties.
Life long chronic sinus and inner ear issues resolved
Arthritis pain resolved, avoided doctor who advised bilateral shoulder joint replacement surgery.
Total anosmia resolved, sense of smell returned
Mental & gut health
Helped get me out of a keto stall, has reduced inflamation, and CD makes meal planning much easier.
Less Insulin
Oxalate clearing. Less joint pain. Better mood and mental clarity.
Loss of 200lbs, diabetes, high bp, IBS, and nerve damage pain.
Depression, anxiety, bloating, and constipation all vanished within a week.
Life long constipation gone, anxiety much diminished, lumpy fat gone, much greater energy, better strength, happier, aches in spine and wrists gone, knee weekness gone, under arm body odor gone, better mental clarity.
weight, digestion, better sleep, better intuition, less anxiety, feel centred
Zero migraines, no bloating, weight loss (similar when I was keto)
I came to Carnivore from Keto, my issues had mostly resolved on Keto. I made the change to Carnivore after "trying" it for a month, never went back. I don't like veggies that much and am after the anti cancer, anti inflammation, and longevity benefits.
No more skin problems
Cured my anorexia. and with it, a myriad of health problems I didn't realize I had. Predominantly digestive issues, mental fog, fatigue, depression, psychotic episodes.
Weight loss, and better athletic (workout) performance.
Joint pain went away
Saw Dr Shawn Baker and realized this was a high performance diet, before that I just wanted to rebel against plant-based.
Removal of back, shoulder and knee pain. Seemingly endless stamina for hiking and ultra running.
I’m off medications. I don’t even take over the counter medications. I’m off the herbs and supplements my naturopathic doctor put me on. I’m in remission for Autoimmune Diseases Hashimoto’s MS Iots simply like a miracle! No cheat days for me! This is my lifestyle now and I love it! I never want to go back to what I was like with my health before. I have been sick my whole life. I was born missing genes from my parents and have been in land out of hospitals and doctors offices. I’m so thankful for my restored health I’ve been given!
Increased energy
Lost 50#. Went from size 8/10 to 00 slim in less than 3 months. All joint pain and inflammation gone in 2 weeks after years of suffering. (Can open jars, lift cases of water, walk without ankle braces and no longer need wrist braces etc.)
Increased energy, libido, mood, muscle mass. Most importantly- I can now lift my daughter. Something I could not do before.