Graham Phillips
St Albans, UK
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Text Notes:
Graham Phillips, BPharm, FRPharmS, Dipp Comm Pharm is a second-generation pharmacist, and Superintendent of a multi- award winning pharmacy group ( He has worked with GPs and in Primary Care widely for 35 years, and wants to see much-closer working relationships with GPs. Graham has been involved in pharmacy politics at local and national level, for 25 years including four years on the Council of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.
Graham has a long-term interest in Public Health: he has been involved with NHS cancer-reform strategy, was a Trustee of the National Obesity Forum and was also a member of the Healthy Living Pharmacy reference group.
The role of the Community Pharmacy in pro-active, preventive public health is among his research interests. Most recently he has styled himself as “The Pharmacist who Gave Up Drugs” and his recent project combines lifestyle interventions and DEprescribing Graham was made a Fellow of the RPSGB in 2009, and was recently appointed a Board Trustee of the UK based Public Health Collaboration “Real Food / Right Food” Graham lives with his partner Karen (a GP) in North London and has two teenage sons, the elder of whom is a Pharmacist In his free time outside pharmacy Graham lists his interests as music, politics, cinema (and he’s an acknowledged coffee addict!)