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Mark Sloan


MEATrition author
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When I was 12 years old my mother died of cancer. I didn't realize it until years later, but the tragedy of losing my mother was actually my greatest gift: My mother gave me a story that could inspire others and a mind that could find the answers the world was literally dying to know. My purpose in life is to ensure that no child has to go through what I did, ever again.

Mark has published a number of books including the 6x #1 international bestseller Red Light Therapy: Miracle Medicine and two monumental works on cancer called The Cancer Industry and Cancer: The Metabolic Disease, both of which include a combined total of over 2400 scientific and clinical references. Never before has the root cause of cancer been so well documented and easy to understand.

Mark has been researching health, including hundreds of books, for over 15 years and has many unique evidence-based insights to share with the world. His website is and he believes the goal of ending all diseases is not only possible, but it's only a matter of time before his message becomes universally known throughout the world.

To stay updated with my work and progress, sign up for my newsletter at

History Entries - 10 per page

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