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The Long Arctic Search - The Narrative of Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka, U.S.A.

Publish date:
January 2, 1881
The Long Arctic Search - The Narrative of Lieutenant Frederick Schwatka, U.S.A.

Includes: illustrations, maps. A remarkable record of the search for the lost expedition of Sir John Franklin. The tragic fate of Franklin and his men was the outstanding mysrety of its time. Ftanklin set out from England in May 1845 with two ships, well provisioned and equipped, with 129 men, in search of the legendary Northwest Passage. Franklin, his ships, and his men vanished. Not for another nine years was their grim fate ascertained. It was only after three decades of searching, finding the relic-strewn trail through the Arctic wastes, and piecing together the mute evidence that it was finally determined that Franklin's party actually had penetrated the Northwest Passage and had come within a few hundred miles of actually completing the tortuous route. Schwatka's journey of 1878 1880 is an engrossing account of the hardships and torments of Arctic travel in the 19th century.

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Frederick Schwatka
Lieutenant Schwatka explored Canada in the 1880's
Trapping, Exploring, Hunting
The sales of furs, and the exploration of new routes to new lands, and finally the hunting of animals made a significant impact in the history of the modern world, and often the people living remote to civilization would have to take advantage of the ways of the native people and eat like them. In this way, they would be carnivores by need, as fishing, hunting, and eating trapped animals would be the best way to get a meal, and animals can be processed down into high fat pemmican to get the best bang for the buck when it comes to transporting fuel as weight.
Eating Fermented Raw High Meat
Eating rotten foods such as fish caches, sturmmering, rotten seal flipper, fermented birds is a sealskin, high liver.
Dried and Raw Meat Eating
Dried Meat in the Sun - such as caribou or fish or bison
Fresh Raw Meat Eating
Eating meat nearly as soon as it is killed
Facultative Carnivore
Facultative Carnivore describes the concept of animals that are technically omnivores but who thrive off of all meat diets. Humans may just be facultative carnivores - who need no plant products for long-term nutrition.
The Inuit lived for as long as 10,000 years in the far north of Canada, Alaska, and Greenland and likely come from Mongolian Bering-Strait travelers. They ate an all-meat diet of seal, whale, caribou, musk ox, fish, birds, and eggs. Their nutritional transition to civilized plant foods spelled their health demise.
Carnivore Diet
The carnivore diet involves eating only animal products such as meat, fish, dairy, eggs, marrow, meat broths, organs. There are little to no plants in the diet.
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