Historical Event
April 12, 1873
Short Description:
Cantani's observations on patients 41-50 are translated to English. "he secretly ate the sixth part of a biscuit
Diabetes mellitus and its dietetic treatment.
Important Text:
OBSERVATION XLI. Mr. Félice F., from Cajazzo, 66, owner, almost exclusive amylivore, recognized diabetic for two months, when he presented, in addition to the symptoms of diabetes, signs of mental alienation: he was submitted on April 4 with notable worsening of symptoms for eight months, presented, on April 26, 1872, urine with a specific weight of 1030, and containing 35 gr. of sugar plus half a gram of albumin per liter. The patient undergoing rigorous treatment, his urine was examined again on May 3: it was absolutely free from sugar; the same on May 15 and 30. Since then I have heard of the complete recovery of this patient, although he had long since returned to mixed food. 1872 to the rigorous cure: after four days the sugar had disappeared, and did not reappear, although the patient quickly returned to mixed food. In this case, we never did a quantitative analysis. The patient continued to be free from diabetes until the latest news, which is about four months old.
OBSERVATION XLII. Doctor Francesco A., doctor of the province of Salerno, 53 years old, great lover of flour, was treated by Professor Primavera, who found, in the first analysis, 105 gr. of sugar per liter: after a week of rigorous treatment accomplished according to my prescriptions, the urine contained only 23 gr. of sugar per liter: the patient admitted that he had continued to eat a little bread: having left it completely, the sugar disappeared entirely, and the patient has enjoyed the best health ever since.
OBSERVATION XLIII. - Mr. Nicola C., from Pisticci (Basilicata) 25 years old, almost exclusively amylivore, ill for an indefinite time, but suffering for a year from ardor, thirst, sexual debilitation, gastro catarrh -enteric with coprostasis, presented on July 22, 1873, according to the analysis of Professor Primavera, 135 gr. of sugar per liter of urine, and the specific weight of 1042: subjected at this time to the cure; from July 29 the urine was free of sugar; they were still in November 1873, according to what his doctor from Pisticci told me, who wrote to me to ask me for advice about an ischialgia from which this patient was suffering, his urine still remaining absolutely normal: they were also such in the last analysis, made by Professor Primavera on February 21, 1874, although the subject had for some time returned to mixed feeding, and even to mealy foods. I saw this patient again on June 24, 1874; his urine, again analyzed by the same professor, was absolutely free of sugar, although he ate during that time, flour in moderate quantities.
OBSERVATION XLIV. - Baron Rodolfo A., from Naples, 34, has always made great use of starches; for only two years, he suffers from a great thirst with polyuria, his general condition progressively worsens, as well as weakness and thinness; this is why in October 1872, he had his urine examined; there was evidence of the presence of sugar. What frightened the patient the most, threatening of the lens; the various cures to which he was subjected had only a mediocre success, because he came to see me on March 30, 1873, with 100 gr. of sugar per liter of urine, according to the analysis of Professor Primavera, and the specific weight of 1040. Submitted to my treatment in all its rigor, from April 6 his urine was free of sugar, weighed 1020 and on the 10th April, 1015. Since that time he has been in perfect health. Professor Primavera has it. core examined urine on June 19; they were completely free of sugar, although the patient had, for some time now, neglected the rigorous treatment. He went well, until the last news received.
OBSERVATION XLV. - Mr. Gennaro M., owner in Santa Maria di Capua Vetere, aged 40; he greatly abused flour and fruit, and also sweet dishes; for some time he had felt an ardor of the mouth, with thirst and polyuria, and in June 1873 he presented all the other symptoms of diabetes, sexual weakness, emaciation, frustration. In October, furunculosis was added to it, and this, by its obs- tession, decided the attending physician, Dr. of 110 gr. of sugar per liter, the specific weight of 1037, a polyuria of 5 to 6 liters per day (which makes 5 to 600 gr. of sugar per 24 hours), and the almost disappearance of urates. Submitted to my treatment in all its rigor, the urine no longer contained, after three days, only 50 gr. of sugar, and, after eight days as 25: after eight more days, sixteen from the start of treatment, the sugar had dropped to 4 gr., and in the fourth week to zero, with abundance of uric acid and urates. - I saw this patient again on December 16; I found him in perfect health, however he complained of a more marked muscular weakness even than before, although he had grown a lot in appearance: later he regained all his strength. - Doctor Fossataro also told me that this patient, when he took a lot of baking soda with lactic acid, had limpid urine with a slight sediment of urates after cooling (note that it was winter) , while taking little or no bicarbonates, it frequently emitted free uric sands. February 3, 1874, almonds, dairy, coffee and wine; his urine was always free of sugar: it remained as it was after the patient had resumed the use of bread and pastries in moderate doses. As to the causes, it should be noted that this patient has always abused farinaceous plants a lot: the occasional causes of diabetes, admitted by the patient, would have been repeated exposure to damp cold, and fear: but by examining the things up close, we see that these acted when the diabetes had started a long time ago: the shock of fear only drew more attention to the patient's state of health; At the most, we can admit after this moral emotion, an aggravation of the disease. - I saw the patient again in July 1874, he was perfectly well (and it was after four months of mixed feeding), flourishing in appearance and ruby ​​in color, with absolutely normal urine (according to Professor Primavera's analysis); it is therefore legitimate to consider this gentleman as perfectly cured. I had further news in September 1874: he was doing the best in the world.
OBSERVATION XLVI. Canon Vincenzo C., 68 years old, from San Severino Lucano, a man endowed with a strong constitution, and a great hunter, feeding mainly on starch, suffered from renal colic, due to uric stones, such as attests to the report of his doctor, Doctor Santagata. For some time now he had suffered from great thirst with exaggerated appetite, and urinated much more profusely than usual. The urine examined on July 10, 1873, discovered sugar in a dose of 30 gr. per liter, showed the specific weight of 1025, with about 3 liters of urine per day; then subjected to the rigorous cure, from July 21 the urine was free of sugar; since then he has always been doing well. In January 1874 I had more good news from him, and yet he had returned to mixed feeding.
OBSERVATION XLVII. - M. Filippo F., aged 34, silversmith in Naples, from a very healthy family, and himself of good health and a robust constitution, gradually experienced an increase in the quantity of urine, up to 16 or 20 urinations per day; at the same time, he felt a dry mouth, and a burning stomach. His urine having been examined by Professor Primavera, according to the advice of 100 gr. of sugar per liter: they were abundant up to 6 or 8 liters per day, which made from 6 to 800 gr. of sugar in 24 hours. The patient could absolutely indicate no cause for his illness; he had experienced no sorrow, no trauma, no morbid history: let us note, however, that he ate a lot of starchy foods, and extraordinarily abused sweet jellies. Submitted to my cure, and following it in all its rigor, the urine had, on September 15th, the specific weight of 1021, its quantity was reduced to a liter or a liter and a half, and the sugar had completely disappeared. Another analysis of December 11 gave the same result, but by the fact of Oliguria the specific gravity was 1027. He then began to eat pastures, milk and dairy products, cheese, olives, salads: he drank wine: later he tried a little piece of bread. He continued to be well, having returned to a moderate mixed diet, although he experienced very great sorrow in February 1874, owing to an illness of his father, who died on February 18, and that he was very afraid of "a recurrence" as a result of this great sorrow. At this time his urine was analyzed, for he was deeply struck; however on March 3 they were completely free of sugar, rare in their quantity (800 gr. in 24 hours) and specifically made 1026: they also contained very-numerous crystals of oxalate of lime; thus the oxa-. luria was substituted in this case, as in several others, for the sweet biabetes. This patient still enjoys today hui (September 1874) in the best health.
OBSERVATION XLVIII.-MTR, of Roccasecca, 40 years old, amylivorous by habit, suffered for about two months, according to the report of his doctor, Doctor Giovinazzi, from an intense thirst with polyuria of 7 to 8 liters per 24 hours, poor hunger, great emaciation and weakness in walking. The chemical examination showed the presence of sugar, which was however not measured. Subjected on April 23, 1873 to the rigorous cure, the sugar, after four days, was reduced to traces: on August 29, urine was sent to Professor Primavera, and the latter, not knowing how it was previously recognized the existence of diabetes, believed in an erroneous diagnosis, so absolute was the absence of any trace of sugar. MTR continued to do well until the last news received, although it has returned to a carefully mixed feed.
OBSERVATION XLIX. The dream. M. A Camilleri, 62 years old, from Nadur del Gozo (Malta), lived to live on mealy and bonbons, a case observed in January 1873, by Dr. P. Sammut, of Gozo, and already published by him. In the grip of progressive weight loss and digestive disturbances for a year, when it was first observed, with a urine emission of 6 to 7 liters per 24 hours, and considerable thirst; these symptoms made Doctor P. Sammut suspect diabetes; urine analysis, with a specific gravity of 1048, confirmed this diagnosis. The mala was so weak at this time that he could not extinguish a candle within eight inches. Subject to my treatment, it improved rapidly: in a few days, the specific weight fell to 1032, after another eight days, to 1026. It was discovered that he secretly ate the sixth part of a biscuit, and this was deleted again: after another twelve days, the urine was completely free of sugar, according to Trommer's test, and weighed 1012 Dr P. Sammut notes that this is the first case of diabetes cured in the island of Gozo, where in the past all diabetics would die without remission (as everywhere else), from the sad consequences of this disease.
OBSERVATION L. Doctor Salvatore Grima, 32 years old, from Casal Kala del Gozo (Malta), courageous amylivore, recognized as diabetic on March 29, 1873, by doctor P. Sammut, with 8 liters per day of urine, a specific weight of 1045: he had lost extraordinary weight. Subject to my treatment, his condition improved in a few days; from April 12, 1873, the urine was completely free of sugar, and all diabetic symptoms were gone; since then he has been doing well. This observation has already been published by Dr. P. Sammut.