Historical Event
November 2, 1924
Short Description:


At the recent meeting of the American Medical association, Dr. Haven Emerson said the average American was eating far too much sugar and other sweet foods, and also far too much bread and cereals and other starchy foods

Too Much Sugar
Important Text:
At the recent meeting of the American Medical association, Dr. Haven Emerson said the average American was eating far too much sugar and other sweet foods, and also far too much bread and cereals and other starchy foods. He proved it by several arguments in which he used figures from the country and abroad and relating to other times as well as the present. He showed that the average consumption of meat per person in the United States had fallen off. While he did not argue for a greater use of meat, he did indicate that eating more meat might be the lesser of evils.
Probably he thinks we eat too much of everything and should not increase our daily allowance of any food. However, if either our daily bread and sugar allowance, is to remain as it is, he would choose the meat allowance to stay and he would have us cut down on sugar and bread. The arguments he used were these.
Statistics show our consumption of sugar to be increasinng at an enormous rate. Going hand in hand with this increase are increases in diabetes and in obesity. Just in the years when we are.