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October 4, 1929

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The Sugar Institute claims that sugar is healthful and a "staple fuel for keeping the human body active"





Five reasons for sugar in the diet - Scientist talks about this healthful food


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ONE OF THE great food scientists of the country told us not long ago, "Sugar not only has an important use in the diet of nearly everyone--it has five distinct uses. 

"First of all, it is a great conserver of many foods, especially fruits. In the second place. as a flavoring substance, it is most valuable in making nearly all foods much more appetizing. In this way it leads to the eating of a more balanced diet. The third point I would call to your attention about sugar is its value as a satiation factor. Ending a meal with a sweet gives a sense of satisfaction--of having had just enough. 

"Perhaps the best known use of sugar is as a staple fuel for keeping the human body active. Sugar is more rapidly digested than starch, and it ranks with starch as a vital food for every normal person. 

"The final point about sugar is its adaptability as an emergency fuel. Sugar is rapidly absorbed in the system It is always helpful to get the opinion of a recognized authority on any important subject. In a day when food fads are so much in evidence it is a part of wisdom to discover exactly how important sugar is in the diet of all of us. The sensible way to well-being is to eat all kinds of healthful fresh and canned fruits and vegetables, sweetened to taste. Remember the value of puddings, ice creams, and cakes for dessert. A bit of sweet makes the meal complete. The Sugar Institute. -- Advertisement

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Big Sugar
Big Sugar is based on organizations like ILSI and The Sugar Association. They promote sugar as part of a healthy, balanced diet, but ignore many of the cons of sugar consumption.
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