Historical Event
March 5, 1959
Short Description:


AHA and NHLBI control heart disease conversation through the 50's.
Important Text:
In 1959, they jointly reported “to the nation” on “A Decade of Progress against Cardiovascular Disease.”
Dr Wilkins, Dr. Sprague, friends, since 1950, a number of new drugs have come lnto use for the treatment of high blood pressure and, considered together, they represent one of the great advances of medical science durIng the perlod of our report. These drugs have changed not only our treatment of hypertension, but also our concepts of the nature of this disease. Except In a few rarer forms. the cause of hlgh blood pressure is unknown. None of the new drugs used ln treatment, therefore, was designed to get at the cause. Rather, they were designed primarily to relieve the result; namely, the elevation of blood pressure, whatever its cause might be. However, the actlon of these drugs in lowering blood pressure has provlded new information on the nature of hypertension and has brought us closer to a true concept of the cause or causes of this condttion.