Historical Event
March 25, 1873
Short Description:


A group of Cantani's patients (14-20) show that Type 2 Diabetes was effectively represented in the entire population, from young adults to the elderly but required them to eat high starch diets with little to no meat in order to be diagnosed. Anyone who did the rigorous all meat diet would improve in health, even people who never ate meat in the past!

Diabetes Mellitus and its dietetic treatment
Important Text:
OBSERVATION XIV. - Mr. Rodolfo S., priest of Palma, aged 60, lived only on flour and fruit. In December 1870 he experienced the first symptoms of diabetes, thirst, polyuria, and progressive weight loss; he was very tired of the insomnia. The urine, examined on February 7, 1871, contained 38 gr. of sugar per liter: the patient began my cure on February 8, and already, on the 18th, the urine re-examined was free of sugar; on March 8, the patient began to eat nuts, almonds, limes: the urine remained normal; likewise on August 11, after the patient had returned to the moderate use of bread. He continued to do very well in September 1874. I learned about it from Doctor Carbone de Vico di Palma.
OBSERVATION XV. Doctor Francesco B., from Frascineto in Calabria, doctor in Castrovillari, 39 years old, ate mainly mealy; he had survived two attacks of cholera, in 1867, and experienced great sorrows: recognized diabetic six months ago, after an analysis of the urine, to which he decided, because he suffered from thirst, hunger, polyuria, impotence and extraordinary weakness. He came to see me on November 5, 1871; his urine, examined by Professor Primavera, weighed 1029 and contained 80 gr. of sugar per liter: subject to my treatment, absolute meat diet and lactic acid, after eight days the glycosuria had disappeared. He left Naples a few months later: there was still no sugar, although he had resumed the use of eggs, green vegetables, fruit and a little flour. He wrote to me on March 5, 1873: he assures me that he is doing perfectly, “although he eats everything."
OBSERVATION XVI. - Mr. Raffaele C., wigmaker, 26 years old, from Naples. Suffering for two months from great thirst, hunger, polyuria, impotence, weakness and general wasting, with no other appreciable cause than his almost exclusively floury diet, was treated in Paris with sweet and sour drinks which improved gastric catarrh, but the other symptoms worsened. - When I saw him, on November 15, 1871, he had a polyuria of 5 liters per day, the urine had the specific weight of 1043, and contained, according to the analysis of Professor Primavera, 90 grams. of sugar per liter, which made about 450 gr. of sugar lost in twenty hours: he weighed 49kil, 3.
Submitted to the cure on November 16, his urine was examined on November 23: they were deprived of sugar; all symptoms of diabetes were gone; the patient's weight reached 50 kilograms. From that day on, the improvement continued gradually;
on January 20, 1872, the patient weighed 52,511.7,
on January 26 53kil, 1,
on February 4, 54ki1,8,
on March 8, 56kil, 3,
on March 27, 56k1, 6,
on April 8, 57k1, 1,
on April 27 57kil, 7,
April 30 58 kilog.,
May 24 59 kilog.
He had therefore gained, in six months, 10 kilograms. Today he is doing very well, eats everything and is always fat: seen again by me in the spring of 1874, he appears in an extremely flourishing aspect: he had been happily married for several months. Even today (September 1874), he is doing perfectly well.
OBSERVATION XVII. - MNN, from Malta, aged 40. This gentleman, whom I saw for the first time in consultation with Dr Jos. B. Sammut, was inclined by temperament to polysarcy; all his life he had abused flour and bonbons, never eating meat. Diabetic for six months, he had already followed my treatment in Malta. He nevertheless came to Naples, with 30 gr. of sugar per liter, with three liters of urine per day, so 90 gr. of sugar within twenty-four hours. Subject to all the rigor of our treatment, their quantity was 1750 с. C., and the sugar had completely disappeared. Thus re-established, he made a journey throughout Europe, consulting all the doctors of some renown, and again made a cure in the waters of Carlsbad and those of Vichy. He sent me from Carlsbad an analysis of his urine and a few lines from Dr. Seegen, from which it appears that the sugar had not reappeared although he had extended his diet: I saw him again in December, fully recovered. He wrote to me again on March 25, 1873 that he was doing completely well. On March 10, 1874, he wrote to me again to tell me that his strength and nutrition were fine. well, but after some overeating, small amounts of sugar reappeared and persisted in the urine, although he would have resumed a diet consisting of meat, green vegetables and gluten bread; he was asking me for advice on this. I told him to resume the cure in all its rigor, for a fairly long time (at least three months), and above all to give up gluten bread, which always contains too much starch for a diabetic; however, the patient has so far not wanted to give it up.
OBSERVATION XVIII. - Miss Rosina G., from Piedimonte d'Alife, 20 years old, daughter of a phthisic mother: one of her sisters became diabetic before her. She ate almost exclusively starches and sweets. For three years she has suffered from polyuria, hunger, thirst and severe weight loss: for two years she has been recognized as diabetic, thanks to an analysis made by Professor Primavera in 1868; she was subjected to various cures, in particular that of the waters of Casamicciola d'Ischia: all this was of no use. In the spring of 1870, she received the care of Doctors Caso and Paterno who ordered my treatment; she quickly gained in well-being and nutrition; in a fortnight her urine became free of sugar, and although shortly after she was returned to the mixed diet, to the use of bread and fruit, her urine remained free of sugar: I myself have seen the patient in September, in a good state of nutrition, with normal urine, specific weight of 1019, deprived of sugar. Seeing that she was very eager to eat starchy and sweet foods, I allowed her to do so, while warmly recommending never to abuse, as she did in the past, flour and sweets, surrender a second time. It is interesting to note in this case that, before the disappearance of sugar from the urine, the latter contained a very large quantity of crystals of oxalate of lime, which suggested to me the idea that oxalic acid , in certain cases, could, so to speak, substitute for sugar, in the sense that, the combustion of the hydrocarbons being improved in the organism, these begin to burn, but cannot arrive at a perfect oxidation and decomposition into water and carbonic acid, and thus transform into oxalic acid by incomplete combustion. In diabetes, the combustion of sugar is absolutely lacking, it remains in the state of sugar: the conditions of the organism improving, combustion would manage to produce oxalic acid, before get to be complete. Note that the fact of the appearance of a considerable quantity of oxalate of lime, in the urine, after the disappearance of the sugar, was later verified by me several times, and several other times by Professor Primavera. This young girl is doing well so far: on April 18, 1873, I received a letter from her brother, M. Alfonso G., who recommended me another patient of his acquaintance, adding that her sister was in perfect health. well: I saw her again in August 1873, and lately, in September 1874, I learned from her brother that she is in flourishing health.
OBSERVATION XIX. - The priest C., from Caserta, 38 years old, eating mainly starches, diabetic for 4 years, with 100 gr. of sugar per liter, after having consulted various primary doctors of Naples, and being subjected to various cures by arsenic, strychnine, cod-liver oil, iron, hydrotherapy, etc., was put, in January 1871, the exclusive meat diet, thanks to which the sugar disappeared completely after a rigorous treatment of 40 days. I saw the patient again on September 28, 1871 for a chronic catarrh of the stomach, although he was well fed with normal urine, one to one and a half liters a day, without a trace of sugar, although for a long time. he would have returned to mixed food. I had further direct information on this patient on May 30, 1873, and I knew that he was doing completely well; still today he enjoys perfect health, as I learned in June 1874 from one of his friends, officer in the army.
OBSERVATION XX.-M. Michele L., from Acireale, has always abused extraordinarily fruits and sweets: it was subjected by Doctor Vigo, of Acireale, to my curative method, and cured perfectly. In August 1872, he himself came to Naples, and wanted to see me to make sure that his health had returned: he brought me the analysis of his urine, made on August 22 by Professor Primavera, which testified the complete absence of sugar. A letter from Doctor Vigo, dated June 4, 1873, once again assures me of the perfect health of this patient.