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January 1, 1903

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A book on etiquette says: "A perfectly safe way to get thin is to eat chopped meat without any potatoes, and if possible eat no bread, butter, or sweets. Thin people who wish to get stout should eat oatmeal, hominy, or any of the preparations of wheat now sold."





Social Culture; a Manual of Etiquette and Deportment


Important Text:

How to Reduce Flesh

A man or woman who feels that flesh accumulating too rapidly may lose it by drinking sassafras tea, either cold or hot, with or without sugar, as the taste demands. There might be conditions of the system when it might be injurious, however, and it would be better to consult a doctor before using it. A strong infusion may be made of one ounce of sassafras to a quart of water. Boil half an hour very slowly, let it cool, and keep from the air.

A perfectly safe way to get thin is to eat chopped meat without any potatoes. Drink as little as possible of any fluid. Exercise a great deal without drinking and if possible eat no bread, butter, or sweets. Lemonade, acid drinks of any kind, a little strong tea and saline mineral waters will assist you, but of thees take only as little as possible. Start the morning by drinking a glass of clear water.

How to Increase Flesh

Thin people who wish to get stout should eat oatmeal, hominy, or any of the preparations of wheat now sold. Wheat rolls, corn mush, cream, chocolate, milk, sugar, omelets, jams, eggs, potatoes, bacon, and all other fattening foods.

Topics: (click image to open)

The harm of eating carbohydrates.
Facultative Carnivore
Facultative Carnivore describes the concept of animals that are technically omnivores but who thrive off of all meat diets. Humans may just be facultative carnivores - who need no plant products for long-term nutrition.
Low Carb Against the World
Refers to the concept that low carb diets must fight an uphill battle against myths and misconceptions.
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