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January 1, 1875

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Thomas King Chambers treats diabetes based on what he has learned from Bouchardat, 23 years earlier, and excludes sugar and carbohydrates while recommending meat and fat. After listing animal products, he lists some low carb ketogenic vegetables.





A Manual of Diet in Health and Disease


Important Text:

Thomas King Chambers publishes "A Manual of Diet in Health and Disease" - here's a quote from page 274-275. The book is free to read on google Ebooks. 

"In Diabetes certainly life is prolonged, and the risk of the intercurrent maladies diminished , by a diet from which sugar and articles which form sugar are, as far as practicable, ex cluded . 

M . Bouchardat, Professor of Hygiene at the University of Paris, gives the following list of eatables whose chemical composition makes them injurious to diabetics : 

Sugar ; 

Bread of any kind, or pastry ; 

Rice, maize, and other starchy grains ; 

Potatoes, arrowroot, tapioca, among root products ; 

Sago, among piths ; 

Among manufactured starches, macaroni, vermicelli, and semolina ; 

Of vegetable seeds, peas and beans of all sorts, and chestnuts ; 

Radishes, turnips, beetroot, carrots ; 

All preserved fruits, apples, and pears ; 

Honey, milk , beer , cider, sweet and sparkling wines, lemonades, and suchlike sweetened acid drinks. 

Happily the list of permissible articles of diet is somewhat longer, and might easily be extended by the introduction of nutritious eatables kept out of European markets by want of demand . The diabetic may eat without fear:

 Meat of all kinds, brown or white , boiled, roast , or grilled , and seasoned with any sauce pleasing to the palate , provided there be no flour or sugar in it ; 

All sorts of fish , shell- fish, and lobsters ; 

Eggs ; 

Cream and cheese ; 

Spinach , endive, lettuce, sorrel, asparagus, hop-tops, artichokes, French beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (the last very good with pickled pork or bacon,' says the good-natured professor) ; 

Salads of cress, endive, American cress, corn salad, dande lion, lettuce, with a full allowance of oil and hard -boiled eggs; 

Fresh vegetable gluten , i.e. dough with the starch washed out, may be made into an agreeable dish with grated Par mesan or Gruyère cheese and butter ; 

Anchovy and Ravigote butter ( see Gouffé ) ; 

For dessert, olives . 

On high days and holidays, when the patient has begun to improve, some fresh summer fruit, of course without sugar. The wearing hunger may be much appeased by chewing cocoa beans. 

For drink, a bottle and a half of good claret or Burgundy may be taken in the day. Those who prefer it may take instead brandy and soda-water , one part of the former to nine of the latter . Fresh beef-tea is a capital quencher of thirst. 

Coffee with cream. 

It may be observed that several of these last -named victuals are not entirely devoid of sugar, starch , or inosite ; but the quantity is so small that they may be conceded as a variety, and are not considered dangerous by our chief authority on the subject who has been here quoted . The menu has not been improved by any of the subsequent writers on the subject, whose efforts have been mainly directed to the pharmaceutical treatment of the disease. Diabetic patients should always chew slowly , eat often but moderately ; and drink should be taken in the same fashion . 

Bouchardat, Du Diabète sucré, Paris, 1852."

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