Historical Event
January 1, 1913
Short Description:


Voit finds that the average man "requires daily 118 grams of proteid or albuminous food, of which 105 grams should be absorbable, 56 grams of fat, and 500 grams of carbohydrate, with a total fuel value of over 3000 large calories, in order to maintain the body in equilibrium. The Voit standard or daily diet is accepted more or less generally as representing the needs of the body under normal conditions of life."

Physiological economy in nutrition
Important Text:
"Almost everyone in the world outside the Arctic then ate a very high carbohydrate diet, and the ‘Vogt standard’, widely accepted by nutritionists, considered that a 3,000 calorie diet for a working man should include 500 g of carbohydrate (66% of calories), 56 g of fat and 118 g of protein [14]."
"Certain dietary standards have been set up which have found more or less general acceptance in most parts of the civilized world; standards which have been reinforced and added to by man's aptitude for self-indulgence. Carl Voit, of Munich, whose long and successful life as a student of Nutrition renders his conclusions of great value, considers that an adult man of average body-weight(70-75 kilos) doing moderate muscular work requires daily 118 grams of proteid or albuminous food, of which 105 grams should be absorbable, 56 grams of fat, and 500 grams of carbohydrate, with a total fuel value of over 3000 large calories, in order to maintain the body in equilibrium. The Voit standard or daily diet is accepted more or less generally as representing the needs of the body under normal conditions of life."