Historical Event
January 1, 1970
Short Description:
The best way to avoid a heart attack, according to the study, was to worship God
Important Text:
Another study in Israel followed ten thousand male civil service and government employees for five years and found no correlation between heart attacks and anything they ate. (The best way to avoid a heart attack, according to the study, was to worship God, since the more men identified themselves as being religious, the lower was their risk of having a heart attack.)
At the twenty-three-year follow-up of this study, researchers found a very weak relationship between saturated fat and myocardial infarctions, which the authors themselves dismissed as unimportant (Goldbourt 1993). Nevertheless, the Israeli Civil Service Study, as it’s called, is routinely cited by prominent scientists demonstrating a “positive relationship” between saturated fat intake and coronary heart disease risk (Griel and Kris-Etherton 2006, 258).