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Associations of Anthropometric Characteristics, Dietary Habits, and Aerobic Capacity With Cardiovascular Risk Factors of Health-Science Students

Zarrazquin Arizaga, I.; Atucha, A.F.; Kortajarena, M.; Torres-Unda, J.; Irazusta, A.; Ruiz-Litago, F.; Irazusta, J.; Casis, L.; Fraile-Bermúdez, A.B.

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The aim of this cross-sectional study was to study the relative importance of dietary habits and aerobic capacity in parameters related to cardiovascular risk in 271 female and 95 male health-science students (mean age = 19.1 ± 1.4 years). In females, fatty-meat consumption predicted triglycerides (β =.649, p <.001) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL; β = −.242, p =.001) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL; β =.373, p <.001) cholesterol levels. Consumption of nuts, legumes, and complex carbohydrates predicted triglyceride (β = −.099, p =.074), HDL (β =.231, p =.001), and LDL (β = −.155, p =.025) levels, respectively. Aerobic capacity (β = −.245, p <.001) and fatty-meat intake (β =.230, p <.001) predicted diastolic blood pressure (BP); body mass index (BMI) predicted systolic BP (β =.340, p

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cardiovascular risk; dietary habits; aerobic capacity; health-science students

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