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Triggers, Protectors, and Predictors in Episodic Migraine

Marmura, Michael J.

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October 5, 2018


PMID: 30291562


PURPOSE OF REVIEW: A wide variety of triggers prompt attacks in episodic migraine. Although experimental triggers such as glyceryl trinitrate reliably produce migraine, natural triggers are much less predictable and vary in importance between individuals. This review describes the most common triggers in episodic migraine and provides strategies for managing them in clinical practice. RECENT FINDINGS: Multiple migraine attack triggers have been established based on patient surveys, diary studies, and clinical trials. Stress, menstrual cycle changes, weather changes, sleep disturbances, alcohol, and other foods are among the most common factors mentioned. Clinical studies have verified that fasting, premenstrual periods in women, "letdown" after stress, and most likely low barometric pressures are migraine triggers. Premonitory symptoms such as neck pain, fatigue, and sensitivity to lights, sounds, or odors may mimic triggers. Multiple studies clearly demonstrate triggers in episodic migraine, often related to change in homeostasis or environment. Many common migraine triggers are not easily modifiable, and avoiding triggers may not be realistic. Healthy lifestyle choices such as exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and eating regularly may prevent triggers and transformation to chronic migraine over time.

Automatic Tags

Female; Humans; Male; Food; Migraine Disorders; Menstruation Disturbances; Episodic migraine; Fasting headache; Food triggers; Medical Records; Menstrual migraine; Migraine diaries; Migraine triggers; Precipitating Factors; Weather in headache

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