Historical Event
January 1, 1967
Short Description:


An “almost embarrassingly high number of researchers boarded the ‘cholesterol bandwagon,’ ” lamented the editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association
Important Text:
The dissenting voices were fading. An “almost embarrassingly high number of researchers boarded the ‘cholesterol bandwagon,’ ” lamented the editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1967, referring to the narrow, “fervent embrace of cholesterol” to the “exclusion” of other biochemical processes that might cause heart disease. In the pages of sympathetic scientific journals, Ahrens and Mann, plus their handful of like-minded colleagues, continually sent up futile cries against the relentless march of the diet-heart hypothesis, but they were powerless in the face of the elite. As George Mann wrote at the end of his career in 1978, a “heart Mafia” had “supported the dogma” and hoarded research funds. “For a generation, research on heart disease has been more political than scientific,” he declared.
-Nina Teicholz - Page 70