Historical Event
January 1, 1951
Short Description:


In Denmark the increase in tuberculosis mortality took place in 1916-1917 simultaneously with a greatly reduced consumption of meat and fish, and the decrease of the mortality coincided with a greatly increased consumption of these foods.

DIET PREVENTS POLIO - by Benjamin P. Sandler, M.D. - 1951
Benjamin P. Sandler
Important Text:
It is far more important to enable the human to maintain his natural powers against infection than it is to keep bacteria and viruses away from his door
From my observations and studies in human nutrition I have become convinced that Nature originally did endow us with natural powers of protection and that we have lost these powers through errors in diet.
The purpose of this book is to show how one may fortify the body through diet and thus prevent infection. The method which I offer as a protection against polio is based on the concept that the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels
"In Denmark the increase in tuberculosis mortality took place in 1916-1917 simultaneously with a greatly reduced consumption of meat and fish, and the decrease of the mortality coincided with a greatly increased consumption of these foods. If we take beef, veal, and fish alone, the fall in consumption was extraordinary during 1915-1916. The total calories consumed was not diminished because there was sufficient bread and flour." He continues:
"We see the same thing in Sweden, though to a less marked degree. The rise in tuberculosis mortality was recorded in 1914-1916, and in those years the consumption of bread and flour rose, whereas that of meat decreased. After 1916 we see a steady and continuous fall in tuberculosis mortality, and at the same time flour foods fell off while the consumption of meat and fish rose rapidly. It may be added too, that in England, a rise in tuberculosis mortality coincided with a lower consumption of meat and butter and an increased consumption of flour foods."
I advise that, during an epidemic, sugar and all foods containing sugar, be avoided, and that foods containing starch be consumed in reduced amounts. Those foods containing no sugar and no starch may be eaten in unlimited quantity. Below are listed common foods containing either sugar or starch or both, and those containing no sugar and no starch. Since sugars are to be eliminated and starch consumption reduced, the calories needed for proper nutrition will be derived from an increased consumption of proteins, fats, and permitted carbohydrate foods.
The following foods should be avoided: sugar, soft drinks, ice cream, ices, sherbets, cakes, candies, cookies, wafers, pastries, pies, fruit juices, canned and preserved fruits, jams, jellies, marmalades, puddings, honey, syrups.
Coffee, tea, cocoa, lemonade, etc., may be sweetened with saccharin. Ice cream, ices, and custards may be prepared with saccharin. So-called "diabetic desserts" and food preparations may be used.
Nuts may be eaten in unlimited quantity except the starchy ones such as peanuts, cashews, chestnuts, and cocoa-nuts. These should be eaten sparingly.
All animal foods may be eaten in unlimited quantity Such foods are: beef, pork, lamb, mutton, veal, poultry, fish These may be purchased fresh, canned, smoked, dried, etc. Eggs can be used freely whether fresh or dried All dairy products may be eaten in unlimited quantities milk, buttermilk, fermented milk, butter, sweet and sour cream and all cheeses. Milk may be fresh, evaporated, or powdered