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Trappers and Mountain Men - American Heritage Junior Library

Publish date:
January 1, 1961
Trappers and Mountain Men - American Heritage Junior Library

Nearly a thousand years ago, Norsemen sailed their dragon ships across the stormy Atlantic to open the first trade with the copper-skinned natives of a new world. The wealth brought home was fur. Yet the history of North America must have been very different except for one of those odd turns fashion sometimes takes. The introduction of the beaver hat into Europe in the mid-fifteenth century brought about a sartorial revolution comparable in scope to the changes in dress that occurred in nineteeenth-century England, when Beau Brummell's example led men of the Western world to give up their peacock finery and dress in subdued blacks, browns, blues, and grays. A good beaver hat over a period of almost four hundred years was a symbol of status, a social necessity. A swift-paced narrative written for young readers here touches upon some of the high lights of the centuries-long history of the North American fur trade, while also mirroring something of a unique and unforgettable way of life, together with its heroes, a tough, colorful, sometimes cruel, always superbly skilled breed of men called by the French coureurs de bois, by the English woods runners, by Russians promyshlenniki, and by the Americans trappers, released men, and mountain men. It is to be hoped that those who read this book, young and old, will go onto read the original narratives bequeathed to us by many of the participants in this splendidly-colored history. For their stories, today as in past generations, challenge the imaginations of all who are interested in men and in the world they create.

Travis: I found this book in an old thrift store in Utah a few weeks ago. This is an incredible history underlying the exploration of America - which was mostly done by adventurous mountain men who had to live off the land just like the Native Americans in their midst. It has a ton of awesome historical entries that I wish I could add to my database if I had more time, but they're not that revelant to the carnivore diet except for the few entries I've posted. There are other points in the book where a fort collected 11,000 pounds of buffalo meat as well as lots of skins, mostly beaver. I even happened across a Mountain Men event where I live and I went while reading this book and was able to buy a beaver pelt. My cats love sitting on it. 

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Pemmican is a condensed carnivore food that was popular in the past to trappers and hunters, as well as the Native Americans that made it from bison. One bison could be rendered and chopped and dried down into a 90 pound clump stored in its hide - made of rendered fat mixed with lean dried meat that is pounded into a powder. Pemmican represents the perfect fat:protein ratio and keeps for a long time as the stable saturated fat protects the dried out meat, which, devoid of moisture, cannot rot. It could be left in a cache for years at a time and still be eaten. Wars have been fought over it.
Trapping, Exploring, Hunting
The sales of furs, and the exploration of new routes to new lands, and finally the hunting of animals made a significant impact in the history of the modern world, and often the people living remote to civilization would have to take advantage of the ways of the native people and eat like them. In this way, they would be carnivores by need, as fishing, hunting, and eating trapped animals would be the best way to get a meal, and animals can be processed down into high fat pemmican to get the best bang for the buck when it comes to transporting fuel as weight.
Supernatural MeatMyth
A supernatural myth that involves the creation of animals and man, and man's role in the world based on how the local peoples survived - through hunting or agriculture.
Meat and Fasting as Medicine
When meat and fasting are used by traditional medicine men to reduce inflammation and fight disease.
Facultative Carnivore
Facultative Carnivore describes the concept of animals that are technically omnivores but who thrive off of all meat diets. Humans may just be facultative carnivores - who need no plant products for long-term nutrition.
Pre-civilization races
History Entries - 10 per page
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